Relative visits…

I left work at 4:00, and cleaned up a little before Michael, Lisa, and Michael’s friend Tyler arrived from Jacksonville. We were hoping to go to the fair tonight, but the drizzly weather is going to preclude that.

A little later than we should, we decide to go to a 7:00 movie. We rushed through a Burger King dinner, and got to the theater quickly. While in line to buy tickets to see Spiderman, they decide they want to see Mr. Deeds instead. So, Adam Sandler it is. A trite little movie, but Adam is as sexy as hell to me, so that helps. They really enjoyed it, and that is, after all, what it was all about.

Back at home, we played Gin Rummy until bed time. I hadn’t played in years. Always fun reconnecting with childhood things. I bought $105 worth of chocolates and nuts from Michael, which he is selling for his school. He was totally jazzed. Tyler said, “I’ve never seen one person order that much chocolate.”

Lisa slept in the guest bedroom. Michael slept on the blow-up mattress on the floor downstairs. Tyler slept on the couch.

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