Mexican and Italian!

Work was a lot less stressful today. Made good progress. I went to lunch with Sue at Chevy’s. During the course of the conversation, I came out to her. We got on the subject of our years with IBM, and in the course of telling her how I quit for 7 years, and why, the part about “coming out to my wife” gave me away. We had quite a lunch discussion, a lot of it about the Catholic Church, of which she is a member, too.

Kim asked for a ride to Dan’s, so we left together, a little early. I had to stop by the florist to pick up the centerpiece I had ordered, and Kim wanted to stop and pick up some soft drinks and wine.

We picked up the flowers at Conroy’s at Alton & Culvert, and picked up the soft drinks and wine at Albertson’s. We had about a half hour to kill, so Kim showed me the Asian Market area.

We had dinner at Dan and Rebecca’s house. Rebecca is pretty and nice, and their daughter is such a doll. I think her name in Nykala or Nikala, or maybe just Kayla. I brought a centerpiece for the table, and Kim brought soft drinks and two bottles of wine. Casey made an awesome chocolate cake. I can’t believe it was fat-free. NOT!

Rebecca made a huge bowl of lasagna, there was Caesar Salad, and then a full assortment of Mexican foods like tacos (complete with shredded everything, guacamole, and sour cream), cheese enchilads, chicken enchaladas, and rice. Everything was great, and the company was good.

During dinner I asked if anyone had seen the incident of Michael Jackson dangling his child over the bannister. A couple of folks had seen it; I think everyone had heard of it. The TV was on as Rebecca is a huge Bachelor fan (and the last episode was coming on), and while waiting for it to come on some show (maybe some show on E!) had a little story on that very incident, and they showed Michael, over and over, dangling his baby over the balcony. Bizarre.

Attendees: Dan, Rebecca, daughter, Justin and his girlfriend, Jenn, Casey, Sue, Bill P., and Rob. I think that was everyone. I gave Kim a ride to her house.

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