Exchanging gifts with Steve and Will…

We got up at around 9:00, and well, really got up at 10:00 after MMMMMMMMMMMMMing for an hour. I made waffles (actually Eggo made them, I heated them up), and poached eggs. Robert made the coffee.

I wrote out the captions for Steve’s pictures, which took about an hour. I’m looking forward to giving him his gifts tonight.

After that, I caught up my journal from last Wednesday. Next, I wrapped a bunch of gifts: Steve’s stocking stuffers, Will’s, Vivan & Jeff’s second gift, and Robert’s gift.

I took a nap, got up around 8, stopped by Burger King for a quick bite, and rode over to Cameron Village hoping to catch a bookstore open. Evidently, the place doesn’t stay open late for the holidays. Everything in it was closed, except for a little cafe, the Baskin-Robbins, and the Blockbuster. I got a banana-nut ice cream cone while I waited for Steve and Will to call me from 518 West.

Steve called at 9:05, and said they were on their way home. I went directly to Will’s and beat them there. They arrived shortly thereafter, and we had a drink, and exchanged gifts. Will got me a nice set of stemware. Steve got me the lightweight robe I asked him to get me. Perfect. I gave will chocolates, and gave Steve a mic for his computer.

We played walkie-talkie with Will’s and my Nextel phones. “1-Adam-12” Will asked me if I’d follow him to a service station over on New Bern Avenue in the morning, so he can leave his SUV for repair.

Steve and I left at about 10:30. Decided to catch up on my journal from the last two days in Paris instead of going out. I was going to go to Flex, but changed my mind halfway down Clark Street. I headed home, stopping by the Food Lion on the way.

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