Online kind of joining day…

I had an hysterical (as usual) lunch with Courtney today. She killed me with that story of cutting her hamburger up in “pie slices,” so she could pretend it was “dessert” while she was eating it. Too funny! We also exchanged with each other what we weighed in at last week when we started dieting. I, inadvertantly, gasped when she declared hers. Not very supportive!

I installed IDWB on Rhonda’s new laptop for her. Diane M. is back at work! She’s fun. She told a funny story about her venture to the post office at work. She wanted to avoid the line, so went to use the kiosk to stamp her package. After weighing it, she put money in the stamp machine, and thinking she was getting a $.50 stamp, she got 50 $.01 stamps, which she then proceeded to put all over the box she was mailing. When she walked up front to deposit it with the clerk, she said, “I’m sorry, that’s regular mail in a priority box, you’ll have to cover that part up and bring it back.” There was no offer of some opaque tape to cover it up. She had to take the package, full of $.01 stamps home. I installed IDWB and Frame2000 on Fran D.’s new laptop.

Toward the end of the day, Jim E. came in and walked me through setting up my Guardian/Safeguard agent book for conversion to SGML and rebranding.

Cooked the clam linguine dish again tonight, with a huge salad this time. Delicious dinner, if I may say so myself.

I sat down at the computer to take care of two mail items via the Internet — renewing my Sam’s membership, and joining AAA. Just as I started, the power went out. The weather turned severe — it was stormy and windy out. I think a tree might have fallen on the power lines. Either that, or a transformer blew, but I didn’t hear the usual “pop” that I do when that happens. The power was off a good hour or so.

I read a little by candlelight, then fell asleep (after blowing out the candles). Steve called mid-nap, and invited me over. When the power came back on, I got up and completed the tasks I’d started earlier.

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