My first day back to the office in 10 days was okay. I got through my e-mail, and did most of my expense account. I need to find my receipt from the Candlewood Suites.
During lunch, I went to the post office, and sent off a few bills, and then had lunch at Subway.
I actually debated (for about 2 minutes) about whether to go dancing tonight, since I have this dreadful cold. Of course I ended up going.
FUN! FUN! FUN! There really is a big crowd there now. I was thinking it was from the exposure at Oasis, and some of it, no doubt, is. But then, when I saw Tony Quirk’s latest communique, I wondered if we aren’t getting some traffic as a result of the entry I sent in there.
The best dance was the shadow dance with Gerald. He said at the end, “I love dancing with you.” Ditto.
I wore my resoled boots for the first time. The deal! I left there at about midnight.