The wedding…

I woke up in the middle of the night not feeling at all well. I had a severe case of diarrhea. I looked in mom’s medicine cabinet, and a dose of Immodium AD, praying that that’s actually what was in the bottle.

In the morning, things hadn’t changed much, and I wasn’t looking forward to going to the wedding feeling like I was. I confirmed the contents of the Immodium, and took another dose. I didn’t have any breakfast at all.

Vivian and Jeff arrived at about 11, just as I was getting up, actually. We left the house just after noon. Mom and dad went directly to the church. I rode with Vivian and Jeff, and we stopped by Wal-mart to get a battery for my camera and to pick up the party tray of sandwiches mom had ordered for the reception.

Eye candy everywhere in that Wal-mart. Marines, marines, marines!

We arrived at the church, still before our 1:00 deadline. We were pretty much the first ones there beside Laurie. She had done a great job decorating the place. Things really looked nice.

Eventually Meagan arrived, and she looked beautiful. She was anxious for Lisa to arrive to help her get dressed in her gown. Next, the cake lady arrived, and put the cake together, which was both huge and beautiful.

We were supposed to be there at 1:00 to take a few pictures before the ceremony started, but that never happened. We headed over from the reception hall to the church at about quarter till 2. It was raining by then, but not pouring.

Before being seated, me, mom and dad, stepped in the back to see Meagan all dressed up. She really looked stunning. I got teary-eyed. I got a picture of her. The photographer took a picture of her and mom together.

I got seated with Vivian and Jeff, and after a few minutes, Lisa came up and told us that the second row (where mom and dad were already seated) was reserved for all of us, so we moved up.

The ceremony was approximately 14 minutes long, and pretty much went off without a hitch. Other than the preacher saying, “And do you Meagan, take this woman…” then correcting himself, everyone did pretty good on their lines.

The family was ushered into a side room when the church emptied, and followed side rooms back up to the front of the church for pictures. The best man farted while some members of his family were getting placed for a picture. He seemed pretty embarrassed, and made some comment like, “I shouldn’t have had the chili for breakfast.”

The reception went well, and the food was quite good. The little Wal-mart sandwiches were my favorite, along with the meatballs, and I loved the punch (ginger-ale, orange juice, and pineapple juice). The cake was quite good, too. I was glad my stomach seemed to handle everything okay.

It was quite a relief when it was all done. Vivian and Jeff left directly from there to head back to Greenville. I rode home with mom and dad (and one layer of the cake on my lap), packed my stuff, and headed back to Raleigh at about 4:40.

I was home by 6:40, and in the bed by 6:50. I napped until 9:00, and then left at about 9:20 for Oasis. Dancing was just okay tonight. Carl tried to teach a dance that he didn’t know, which was a disaster. The directions where two typed pages, which was very hard to read in the poor light, and he had not learned the dance himself before trying to teach it. I got tired of it about halfway through, and left the dance floor. I went into the other room to get a drink, and when I got back they had given up on it. Thank God.

Neither Joe nor Gerard was there, so it wasn’t as much fun as usual for me. I did have a great dance with Ric, he leading me into twists and twirls as we two-stepped, and I was actually able to follow him pretty decently. The last time we tried that together, it did not go well at all. We did a shadow dance together, too, which also went pretty well. We started off with me in the lead position, and he in the follow, though he actually back-lead while we danced. Twice during the dance, we alternated with a twirl and switched lead and follow positions. It was pretty cool.

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