“Got ’em all cut”…

I worked from home in the morning today. Robert left at about 10:30, and I left at 11:00 to meet Jim L. at Southpoint for lunch.

We ate at the food court, I had Subway, he had a “Great Steaks” sandwich, I think. He gave me a check for $50 for Tour de Friends, which I appreciated very much!

On the way back to my car I was stopped by the survey folks who are always camped out by the escalators there by Hechts. I was asked to participate in a study of a new product from Kellogs, which I agreed to do. It’s strawberry flavored bite size Nutri-Grain bars. I have to eat six little bags of them over the next week, and then they’ll call me to ask a series of questions about the product. I ate a bag on the way back to the office. I like them!

At the office, I participated in the weekly ITIM status call with Jim and Brian. Jim and I had a little talk afterward about schedule assessments.

I left at 5:00 for my 5:30 hair appointment with Thomas. He was actually there when I got there, which is rare. I asked him about the talc he puts on at the end of the haircut, and he told me where I could buy some.

I stopped by “Sally’s Beauty Shop” on the way to Garner, and bought some of it, plus a little brush with which to apply it. I also stopped at the dollar store right next to the beauty shop and bought: a roll of brown paper to wrap packages to mail, a box of envelopes, a travel-size can of shaving cream, and a frame to frame my ISO class certificate.

I met Steve, Sue, Tom, Parrish, Troy and Parrish and Troy’s two kids for dinner at the El Dorado in Garner. I didn’t understand when Steve invited me that there would be kids teeming throughout that place. It was a fundraiser night there for Timber Drive Elementary. All these kids kept coming by, “Hello, Mr. Moore!” Some fellow teachers of his came by, as well as some hot daddies of the kids. Thank God for that.

I had the #4 combo, of course, and overate with chips. Not feeling real great about that now.

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