WCPE Fundraising Festival…

I got a lot of work done on the 4.4.1 UNIX installation guide today… felt good about that. I also prepared my laptop for the demos I’m going to do at Tuesday’s department meeting on the Password Database, LN Choose Preferred Scan Unread utility, ZapNotes, and the IBM Community Tools.

I left work at about 5:00, and drove out to Wake Forest to the WCPE radio station, where I met Mary for our semi-annual(?) volunteering to help with their fundraiser. I only took one call the entire night, but it was from a gay couple (men), which was cool. They donated $100. Mary and I had a blast, as usual, and we overate, as usual.

I thought about going out from there, but ended up driving home and staying in. I have an early bike ride in the morning, starting back out in Wake Forest.

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