Work, work, work…

I worked until 8PM on the installation guide, and then at home from 10:00 until 3:00 in the morning on my diversity pitch for tomorrow. TIRED.


– I made up my route today, as I just wanted to get one in due to missing the one Sunday due to rain. I rode from my house off Western Blvd. to my friend Steve’s house in Garner. Later I measured it, at 20 miles.


– That you can ride all the way to someone’s house, and even though their car is in the driveway, they might not be home.

– That I have enough supporters in Garner to have a pretty good chance of finding one of them out and about. I ran into Joye Stephenson and her mother. Always good to see them.

– That there is a hiking trail in the woods just off Western Blvd. that’s worth exploring, both on foot and on the bike.

– That rushing home to get back before dark, and riding into the setting sun can be challenging. One traffic light I could not even see because of the blinding sun in my eyes.


– Nothing hurt. This was a “baby ride.” J


– I feel good about getting a mid-week training ride in.

– I feel less good about it being a 20-mile ride, when the ride I missed on Sunday was 50 miles.

– Excited about next weekend’s big rides, one 60 miles, one 90 miles, and the third 40 miles. Worried about the weather, as currently the forecast is not good.

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