Good meeting with Alan, good dinner with Jay…

I had a brief, good meeting with Rich. We had a good one-hour meeting with Alan. He really seemed to like the work I’d done organizing the corrective and preventive actions by project and pillar.

I left the office at about 2:30, and went to Flythe to take care of my bike. The good news is, the guy there said he sees no reason to get a new rim. He also sold me a $19 tire that he said is all I need for the type of riding I’m doing, which I really appreciate. (I will return that $54 one to REI.)

Not to mention, and I didn’t realize this, we get 20% off everything we buy there (and they’re going to continue that discount for us even after the ride, which while nice, also tells me that everything there is marked up AT LEAST 20%), AND we get free tune-ups on our bike for the first year of ownership. So, all I’m going to be charged for for this work is the price of the new tire and tube (minus 20%)! That made me SMILE!

I came home, logged back into work, and fiddled with Notes for a little while to try and get the same Notes Desktop to appear at home as does at work. To no avail. Tomorrow, I will upgrade to Notes 6 at work and then copy the .dsk file to my home system to see if that does it.

Today I considered getting a land-line in my house through BellSouth. I had a very frustrating time on their website. I will call them tomorrow to talk about service on the phone.

At about 7:00, Jay called me inviting me to meet him at Baja. We had a great chat, during which we covered:

  1. My recent toying with purchasing a BMW or Mercedes
  2. My day yesterday at Joey’s graduation
  3. His dates with (and dating) Chuck
  4. Watching Sordid Lives at Steve’s last night
  5. Me contemplating getting a land-line
  6. TCW and all its drama
  7. The book club agenda for the next six months or so
  8. The GLBT Leadership Conference
  9. David’s latest (dating) antics
  10. Tomorrow’s GLBT Education Module feedback meeting
  11. Taking Susanne to Games Night

Back at home, Mom called at about 9:30. She said they’d gotten their first phone bill (for the cell phone) and it was marked “overdue.” I need to call about that tomorrow. I told them to not send in the check, and just ignore the bill, until they heard from me again.

I worked on TCW stuff for the meeting tomorrow.

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