Body repair, and Lawless Heart…

I had an 8:00 doctor’s appointment with Dr. Andrus. He snipped this horrid wart off my chin, just under my lip. He also assessed the cyst, which has returned on my back after having it removed in his very office four years ago, and we scheduled 20 minutes on July 11th to remove it again. He cut off several skin tags, as you can have as many as 14 removed for one low price of $73.00. 🙂

At 10:45, I had a dentist appointment with Dr. Gover to see about the sensitivity in the middle tooth on the upper right side. Turns out there was a superficial crack in one tooth, and a small cavity in the adjacent tooth. She repaired both. She, and the hygienist, were both interested in my Tour de Friends ride.

The dentist made a crack about reusing a paper towel, at which the hygienist laughed, and then they explained to me that the hygienist’s sister is also a hygienist, and in the office in which she works, the dentist has asked them to start re-using paper towels where they can. The dentist said she would have suggested that he take all the used paper towels and put them in his own restroom, so he could re-use them. Touche!

I love Dr. Gover’s bedside manner, and thought while she was contorting my mouth, that I should send her a card after this appointment and let her know that 1) I appreciate how she always says, “Let us know when you’re ready,” and how she tells you what she’s going to be doing before she does it, and how it should feel. That’s what makes her bedside manner so good. And she’s competent. Bonus!

I went into work from there, and had my closeout with Mathis. He was very generous. Afterward he asked me a “personal” question about “a couple” at Brian’s wedding. I thought he was asking about a gay couple there, both of whom work with us, and I was really torn about telling him, as I’m quite sure they are not out as a couple. Then, I said, “You mean two guys?” and he said, “No. A guy and a gal.” Whew. Glad I didn’t say anything.

I left work at around 5:00, and had my leftovers from the Olive Garden last night for dinner. I left for the Colony at about 6:40. Gregor hadn’t arrived by 7:00, and I was beginning to think he had forgotten or something had come up. I tried his cell phone, and home phone, to no avail. He arrived at about 7:05.

The previews were still on, so he used the restroom, and I bought a big tub of popcorn and a Stewart’s diet root beer.

I enjoyed the movie, thought it wasn’t great. It revolved around a death, and a gay couple, so that kept me interested. I liked, also, how you sort of saw three different views of what happened in the movie, each one filling in some piece that you were left wondering about in a previous view.

We chatted afterward about Gregor’s theater life, and he walked into the grocery store with me, where I bought some coffee. He seems like he’s in a real good place with his acting now, and he wears that well.

Back home I finished the first load of laundry, and put in a second. I cleaned up a lot of my inbox, filing all the Tour de Friends stuff, anticipating doing something with all of it this weekend. I also spent a good deal of time copying pictures of the ride from Gordon’s website. Digital photography is just so cool.

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