Air Unfair

Courtney dropped Robert and I off at the airport at around 8:45 this morning. We checked in, had breakfast, and went to the gate. We boarded in time for our 10:35 departure, but once on the plane, were informed of “technical difficulties” in the cockpit. It seems like one of the autopilot indicators wasn’t functioning properly, and maintenance was called. About an hour later, the plane was emptied, and we had to wait for another one.

Three hours later, after unsuccessful attempts to be put on another flight to connect to our Nashville to Phoenix flight, we took off on the original flight. We missed our connection in Nashville by 20 minutes.

Five hours later, we boarded our flight to Phoenix. Instead of arriving at 3 in the afternoon as we were supposed to, we arrived at 8:30 at night. It was 95 degrees out when we landed.

We got our rental car, a PT Cruiser, and headed up to the Grand Canyon. I thought it was a 2.5 hour drive; it turned out to be a 3.5 hour drive. We arrived shortly after midnight.

The hotel (Grand Canyon Quality Inn) was quite nice, though, and the king sized bed, delicious!

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