Dead, ya know.

Class was good tonight. Dr. Brad has returned with a vengeance. We talked a lot about readjusting the syllabus due to his two-week absence, and morphing the assignments. He then tried to lecture about the chapters we’ve missed, but it was difficult because we’re not a quiet group, and we often interrupted with points, examples, and questions.

Part way through the class my phone vibrated in my pocket, I saw that it was Robert, and I stepped outside of class to take the call. “It’s a done deed.” They’d “pulled the plug” a little earlier, and his brother had died. He was in good spirits, actually, and said he would fill me in on things tomorrow. His mother and Jen left the room, and his other brother, Mark, his sister and her son, Bryan, and him all stayed in the room.

After class, I met Steven at Carmichael for a workout. Our “usual spot” — “the fountain of hotness,” which he calls it, and I love — was taken, so we went upstairs. I did my half hour on the Stair Master, which always kicks my ass — well my legs, actually — and then we did a mile walk. I love how fast the time goes by walking with someone. I was thinking while talking this time that I do talk a lot. Well, I’m an extrovert, so it’s not like it’s difficult for me. I’m trying to be aware, though, and make sure I give Steven a chance to talk.

Back at home, I chatted with Robert for a few on AIM. He was doing good. Joe came online, and we agreed to meet at Flex between 11 and 11:30. We had a great chat, for about an hour and a half, getting caught up on “Frank” from two Sundays ago, his dad, and about my LiveJournal dilemma. I got home at 1:30, and not to sleep until after 3. That’s too late.

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