
I worked on my web page all day today. At about 7:00, I cut and pasted something in a file, and accidentally wiped out 90% of the file. I saved the file before I realized it. I lost about two hours work. I did some serious “Landmark,” “Covey,” and “The Reality of Change” mental work to “pick up the shattered pieces of my life and move on.” GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

I stopped at 9:00, and ran out to Burger King for a chicken sandwich and fries. I noticed while I was there that there was no option to “super size,” “up-size,” or “biggie-size.”

I completed the revamp of the web page to where I now have equal-to and better content than the old one. I still have more I want to do in the “Photo” section, and I’m still toying with a “Writings” section.

I FTPed all the files to my NCSU web space, and updated the pointer to my homepage in my EAGLE profile. I also updated my http://home.nc.rr.com/nematome/index.htm file to contain a redirect to the site at NCSU.

I caught up this journal since it now feeds content to my homepage.

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