Body work, and body workout…

I worked from home today as my car was in the shop being repaired from the “Artsplosure incident.”

I got an e-mail from Bert, whose humor I love, today that said something to this effect, “On the radio this morning, on the way in, the announcer said, ‘Those late afternoon and early evening thunderstorms could arrive as early as this morning.'” What a hoot!

Cassandra didn’t make our 11:00 (10:00 her time) call. Not sure what happened there, but I sent the meeting notice out way late, so I certainly don’t blame her for the mis-connect. We can meet tomorrow easily enough.

Allan and I did our usual oil and water mix on the 1:30 call. While I was listing the five panelists, I got to the third one, which was three of three, women, and he interrupted saying, “Is it going to be all women?” Well that got on my nerves for two reasons: 1) the last time we did a panel, we had no women (not because that’s the way we planned it, but because none were available), and we got feedback about it, so I wanted three of the five this time to be women, and 2) he didn’t let me finish. I said, “Allan, I only have a choice between men and women, I’ve given you the first three, which are all women, and I’m about to tell you who the two men are.” GRRRRRRRRRRRR!

I did a couple loads of laundry during the day, and had to turn the dryer off during the 1:30 meeting, because it kept buzzing. Allan made the comment, “We all have our priorities.” GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Robert checked in on his way over, and I asked him to stop and pick up some garlic bread on the way, as I was making spaghetti for dinner. He did, and we an appetizer of H&D dip and Tostitos, and then spaghetti with meat sauce, and garlic bread. YUM!

Robert took a short nap, and I worked on my recordings from the ride. I was listening to the ones on the tape recorder, since I’m done with the ones on the digital recorder, and was just listening to them, and writing down at what point in which days I had recordings of. I also recorded one section onto the computer, and it doesn’t sound as crisp as the ones from the digital recorder, but they will definitely be “good enough.” I can’t wait to work on that whole TdF page(s).

At about 7:15, my phone rang, and it was Mike (my brother). What a nice surprise, and we had a great conversation. He thanked me for the money for the car, which I really appreciated hearing directly from him. He asked me if I was heading to Massachusettes anytime soon, which at first I thought he meant to see any of the extended family, but then realized he was alluding to the gay marriage situation there. I think it’s cool that he felt comfortable enough to mention that, and that he’d be interested.

I told him about my website, which I thought he’d find interesting. He said he would go over to his friend’s house and check it out some time during the week as his friend has been trying to get him to come over and watch the basketball finals with him, and his friend’s wife is out of town all this week.

Before we hung up, he said, first, “I love you, John.” Heartwarming. “I love you, too,” I replied.

We stopped at Peach Auto on the way to Flex to pick up my car. I got a little annoyed, okay a lot annoyed, that my key was not under the mat. I was most annoyed in that I had thought about this possibilty before leaving the house, and thought, “I should take an extra key with me,” but decided not to. Robert got out of his car and helped me look under all the mats, in the console, and the cup holders. Just as I started going ballistic, he said, “How about the visor, did you check there?” There the keys were, just as peacefully as ever. Well, it’s not where they were SUPPPOSED to be. I SAID, “Under the mat, please.” Presumably, my blood pressure returned to normal, and we drove separately to Flex.

Dancing was not as fun tonight, as this “new” guy, Jimmy, continues to get out on the dance floor for almost every dance, none of which he knows. At one point, he got under my foot, and my ankle turned, coming very close to spraining it. I am going to be so pissed if that happens. People are really getting annoyed with him, but it’s an awkward situation. Plus, he is a yammerer. I don’t want someone talking that much to me all night long. And he has me trapped, because I have to stay in front of the fan, so he always knows where I am. Hopefully, this too shall pass.

Robert finished the crossword puzzle in the N&O that I couldn’t finish the other night, and we worked on one from some gay rag that I got in TCW’s mail. It was quite hard, and has a lot of “gay stuff” on it that we don’t know. Imagine that. Before falling asleep, we MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMed. And it was MMMMMMMy. 🙂

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