Tennis canceled…

We had our final GLBT Education Module preparation call today, and it was “as usual.” I’m a little doubtful about the thoroughness of the handouts tomorrow, since Allan only found them at the last minute, and repro couldn’t deliver on the 2nd Will & Ned poster. Oh well. That’s out of my circle of influence. If it’s not thorough, it will reflect on HR, not on me or the EAGLE group.

I spent the afternoon (almost 3 hours) with Dana prepping for her project’s ISO audit coming up on July 28th. We found lots of potential issues, and I felt like I had provided “value add” when it was all said and done.

Jay and Wes canceled our doubles tennis match scheduled for 6:00 today. I think, at around 4:00, it was still 86 degrees (feels like 90), so I think it was a good decision even though Robert B. got upset about it. We have rescheduled for Sunday at 10AM.

Dancing was a real blast tonight. There were so many people there! We had the most people ever taking lessons, and even at midnight, there were still way more people there than normal.

We “did” Harper Valley PTA again, with the “Pips,” but it wasn’t nearly as good as the last time. I really don’t feel at all comfortable with that many people watching, and Missy was flailing around all in front of us. I’d rather do that just when it’s our “regular small crowd” (also know as some by “the clique”) late at night.

When we got home, I had a hot dog. Courtney was already asleep. We MMMMMMMed. MMMMMMM!

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