The paper chase…

My Monday meeting went very well today. Afterwards, Cassandra sent me a ST that said, “That’s the most productive meeting I’ve attended in a long time.” Yippee. We really did have a good exchange, and caught one thing (at least) that would have slipped through the cracks if we weren’t sharing across the pillar via this meeting.

I stopped by the post office on 54 on the way home, and made it to the TCW box by 5:30. Good thing. There was a tax bill in it for $1900.00. Not good, and needs to be discussed at our board meeting tomorrow night. I’m sure it’s a mistake, but it will no doubt be a hassle to straighten out.

Tonight I separated out the two huge piles of papers that have been accumulating over the past several months. (Don’t you just love the passive voice there? “…have been accumulating…” It’s not like anyone is to “blame”… “papers were accumulated. Love that.)

I listened to the Verdi Requiem while I did this chore. I specifically wanted to listen to it because someone on the EAGLE DB had listed it as one of the CDs currently in their car CD changer. They particularly called out Dies irae, which is 36 minutes and 50 seconds long. It’s quite dramatic, and it’s slated for my memorial service. 🙂

I got as far as separating all the papers into piles that correspond with my filing cabinet. Tomorrow night I will actually file them.

A great find while doing this chore! A hardcopy of the tcw_opportunities list that we’d lost due to the Yahoo! Group being deleted. Now all I have to do is type all of the email addresses back into the group, once I create the group again.

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