Project Notebook progress…

I listened in on a two-hour conference call today from 3:00 – 5:00 on Customer Satisfaction, which was very informative and interesting. Throughout the call I wondered, does anyone talk to anyone else in this company? This information would be so helpful to our teams, yet they don’t receive it.

Michelle spoke to our class tonight, and was fascinating with all of her time management stuff. About the only percentage of time not accounted for during her day was restroom time.

I made huge progress on my Project Notebook project for ENG 518. It’s due next Tuesday. I should easily be able to finish it this weekend, which will allow me to concentrate on both my individual project and group project for ENG 512. Besides that, the only thing left is our Annotated Bibliography paper due in ENG 518 on December 2nd.

My first year of grad school is winding down. Woohoo!

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