Blah day…

Today was a blah day, with regards to the weather, and with regards to my feeling in terms of my health. I think I’m getting a cold — GRRRRRRR — with my ski vacation right around the corner. Damnit.

I slept in. I wrote my Thursday and Friday journal entries. Steve and I had tentatively planned a walk around the lake today, but the weather was so changeable — drizzling one minute, sunny the next — that we decided not to do it.

I took a 1.5 hour nap before going out. Just before leaving, I ate the NutriSystem “Turkey & Dumplings” entree, which was dreadful, dreadful, dreadful. I threw half of it away, and moved it to the top of the never-in-your-life-reorder-this-item list. I drank a bottle of water on the way to the bar.

I got there between 8:15 and 8:30, and it was dead in there. We finally started dancing just before 9:00, and eventually the place got jam-packed for the midnight Mr. Flex 2005 contest. My favorite dance of the evening was my waltz with Robert.

I was not feeling up to snuff, so left as soon as we stopped dancing, which was around 11:00. I ate half of one of those little CPK BBQ Chicken pizzas when I got home. I rationalized it with not eating half my dinner, and all of the calories I burned off dancing. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it, or rather, it’s probably sticking to me.

Robert left the bar an hour or so later, and came by to spend the night.

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