Class, dinner, and dancing with Casey et. al….

Class was a little lame tonight. The professor left his notes for tonight’s class at home, so he skipped ahead to the class he was going to teach two weeks form now. We listed (ad nauseum) web site “affordances” on the blackboard. Then we listed constraints.

This was hilarious: when he started the list, Dr. Dicks said, “Would someone open Microsoft Word, and copy this list down while we create it?” Well, Courtney, who seemed kind of in a daze tonight, hops up out of her seat, walks up to Dr. Dicks at the blackboard, and says, “I will.” He, along with the rest of the class are looking at her, like “what are you doing, girl?”

Dr. Dicks says to her, “Will what?”

“Uh, whatever you said. I’ll do it.”

“I asked someone to copy the list we’re going to create in Microsoft Word.”

“Oh, geez,” she said. “I didn’t really hear what you said, I just wanted to write on the board.” The whole place fell out. She was beet red, but so cute and likable. Gotta love Courtney. She went back to her desk and opened Word.

At the end of class, we briefly talked about our next project, about whether the entire class is going to do the same usability test or if we’re going to do different ones. We briefly discussed the pros and cons of each approach, but left without making a decision.

I got to Hard Times Cafe right at 7:30, and was the first one there. Sam arrived next and sat across from me. Joshua was next, and sat next to Sam. Then Jay came, next to me, and finally Kevin and Casey, who sat across from each other.

I announced, “I have already alerted the management to the grammar error in the chili placard.” I pointed it out to Joshua, and he said, “Oh yeah. Bad.” Right after that I showed Casey, I think, that it was the wrong “its,” and Joshua said, “Its? That’s what’s wrong? I thought you meant they used the wrong ‘course.'”

Lord, there were two mistakes, and both in the description of the same type of chili. (They describe four different types of chili on this placard, one in each corner of the placard. They actually sit a bowl of four samples of chili on the placard a certain way so that the corresponding chili lines up with its description.)

When I pointed it out to the waitress, she looked at it twice, close, then said, “Oh my god. It is wrong. I’ve never noticed that, and I’m an English major.” I did not remind her that last year when I told management about this, I had said, “And it’s on every table in the place,” because they bring that out sort of like chips and salsa in a Mexican restaurant. Bless my grammarlady mess.

We all left there at about 8:45, and headed over to Flex, even Sam (who is straight). Casey and I had a two-step dance right away, and after that, Casey taught Sam to two-step. I was so impressed with Sam. He’s so open minded and comfortable in his own sexuality, that he thought nothing of being out there being taught a dance by another guy.

Things got festive as the night went on, and a fun, fun time was had by all.

<TMI>Once home, Robert took me around the world and back again. OMG.</TMI>

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