But I digress…

I smiled reading “But I digress…” being used in the journals of at least two, if not three, people in our ENG 519 blogs.

I spent the entire morning finishing up my Effective Analysis Summary document, and prepping for my 1:00 meeting, which went well.

I stopped by the post office on 54 on the way home, just in time to have two people ahead of me in line with huge packages, which they didn’t really have ready to mail. Grrrrrrrr! I mailed a sympathy card to Steve, and one to his mom, my journal entries from last week to mom and dad and Aunt Annette and Uncle Frank, and Jeanie-baby’s taxes to her.

I parked in the Coliseum Deck tonight to take advantage of the 10-minute walk to Tompkins. The 10-minutes back gave me my 20-minutes of exercise for the day. I stopped by the Cameron Village Harris Teeter after class, and got a bunch of veggies, some milk, and some yogurt.

At home, I cut up cucumbers, a bell pepper, a half an onion, and used the food processor to cut up some carrots and cheese. I made me a salad, which was awesome, and had the flame-broiled cardboard (for Callie) burger. I actually love that burger, and with a little dab of mayo on it, and some bread and butter pickle slices, it was the deal.

I have one or two lunch entrees left, one dinner entree and two breakfast entries. I have about 7 “desserts,” which includes chips, cookies, and shakes. My new “box-o-food” should arrive tomorrow, or Wednesday at the latest.

I updated my taxes, as I remembered today during the day, that I need to declare my Worldcom stock “worthless” in 2004. Yippee! That more than doubled my refund. Shouldn’t get so excited about losing money in the long run, though.

I had brief AIM conversations with Irene, Robert, and Joe — at one point, all going on simultaneously. Checked the UNC score before I logged off. It’s the half. UNC seems to be whompin’ ’em. Glad I don’t live in Chapel Hill.

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