Funky cowboy…

I finally completed straightening out my room today. Hey, there’s actually carpet in that spot along the wall where that monitor I’m not using has been sitting for about 8 months, in the corner where the winter comforter has by laying since, well, winter, and the corner with all that shit in it — the suitcases, the gift bags from Christmas, etc. etc. etc. Oh yeah, and the dust bunnies on and behind the nightstands. Awl gawn.

I got my financial stuff (checking and savings) caught up for 2005 in Quicken. I have decided to “prorate” my cash withdrawals this year as (per one hundred dollars): $70.00 expensed as Entertainment:Clubs (this sounds so much better than Drinking), $15.00 Dining Out:Lunch and $15.00 Dining Out:Dinner.

I walked around the lake today — 3 miles. When I first started my walk, this elderly lady was being pushed by, presumably, her daughter, and coming toward me. I was walking fast to get my heart rate up. We made eye contact as we passed each other, and she said, “Honey? What’s your hurry?” That just cracked me up.

Also, at the beginning of my walk, I returned my brother’s call from last weekend. He was at work — in the freezer — and sounded very upbeat. Glad I called him. I also called Steve in Nashville, and talked to his answering machine.

On the way back from the lake, I stopped at the dumpsters behind the Food Lion on Avent Ferry, and deposted: the box to my fan, the box to my color printer, and two big black suitcases. I stopped in the grocery store and got some staples — not steel ones, food ones.

Robert and I had dinner at Hard Times Cafe with a $6.00 off coupon for a second menu item of equal or lesser value. I got the club sandwich, which was delicious. Robert got the hamburger. Mark Wright was at the table next to us. The placard that they set the free chili appetizer on still has its two grammatical errors in the upper left corner. The wrong “its,” and the wrong “course.” I do believe they have absolutely no plans to ever fix that.

We got to Flex close to 9:00, and Carl was the only other dancer there. The night picked up, and, eventually, it got quite festive. Mark taught us a cool dance to “Funky Cowboy,” which was “advertised” as an “intermediate level” dance. It was at least that, and I really like it. We have got to keep doing it, or it will be one that is easily forgotten due to its complexity.

Once we learned it, and were ready to try it with the music, we had about a 15-minute sound system disaster. After about six people going back to the DJ booth, including an electrician, they finally got it working again.

We danced until about 11:30, and then went over to CCs, where we met Joe, Phil, and Loren. We had a CPK White Pizza when we got home. Yum!

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