Dial “M” for Murder…

We slept in again this morning, and had bagels for breakfast — one half with butter, the other half with cream cheese and grape jelly. Yum.

We walked the three-mile path around Lake Johnson from about 12:45-1:45. It was a nice walk, but hotter than we anticipated.

We had leftovers from last night’s dinner for lunch today — two hamburgers and some salad.

We went to see Dial “M” for Murder at N.C. State, in which my friend Gregor McElvogue (wild_sun) had a lead part. It was quite good. I have never seen it either as a play or the movie, so it was all new to me. We were pretty much spared a perfume marination this time, though someone at somewhat of a distance had something on.

Who could possibly have a more perfect marriage than the beautiful and smart Margot and her former tennis pro husband Tony? In the shadows of their London flat, appearances are not only deceiving, but deadly. Be an accomplice to the murder from plan to execution and discover all the reasons why Hitchcock chose to film this masterpiece of suspense. Directed by Fred Gorelick, this is not as much a “who done it” as much as a “will he get away with it.” The tension is cleverly maintained until the very end of the play.

The place was full of geriatrics, I guess to be expected of an afternoon matinee. At one point, very early into the play, Robert nudged me to look down the row. One elderly lady was bent over just as fast asleep as she could be without falling out of her chair, and the lady next to her was out like a light as well.

There was one hot “daddy” there, who was with his family — perhaps a father’s day outing.

Gregor was quite good in his part. In fact, the two women next to us had a conversation something like this during the intermission:

Lady One: The gentleman playing Mr. Wendice is quite good.

Lady Two: Yes, he is. Haven’t we seen him before?

Lady One: Yes, he was in something else we saw here.

I bit my tongue from barging into their conversation to 1) brag that he was my friend, and 2) tell them he was just in An Appointment with Death a week or so ago, if they’d seen that.

After the play, Robert headed back to Chapel Hill, and I took a nap.

I met Joe at Flex at around 8:30. Both pool tables were taken, but eventually Walter played against Andy, won, and offered the table to Joe and me. How sweet. He also bought us each a buttershot-based shot. Even sweeter — literally!

After a while, Kevin arrived, as did Brian. We played some more games of pool later in the evening, when the one table came empty.

Before the night was over, Kevin and I had coerced Joe into “performing,” and we belted out Piano Man from the peanut gallery while he sang it on stage.

Tula Boxx was just a delight. She had on this French Maid outfit the first part of the night. I have got to get that ironing board this week. She so deserves it.

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