Linguistic sheep…

Evidently, I got so excited learning about avoirdupois yesterday, that I didn’t even read the final question to Prudie, and her answer, which contains one of the most fabulous lines of all times.

She is responding to a woman complaining about people who answer “No problem,” instead of “You’re welcome,” or “I was happy to help,” and Prudie points out, “‘No problem’ is meant to be polite. That is, people who say it are not trying to be annoying, they are just linguistic sheep.”

Linguistic sheep. Oh my god. That’s so beautiful.

Robert arrived shortly after 4:30, and we did the 3-mile walk around Lake Johnson.

We left for dinner a little bit early, leaving time to stop at White Rabbit before getting to Humble Pie for 7:30.

In the car, I noticed the clock in my car turn to 7:00PM. 27 years ago to the minute, my wedding was beginning.

Though the whole (originally planned) group couldn’t make it tonight, we decided to meet Amelia and her devilishly handsome boyfriend Steve at Humble Pie anyway. It’s probably best for Steve not to be overwhelmed by the entire group at once anyway.

Note: If anyone at Yahoo is looking at this page to see if my “problem is fixed,” I am no longer pointing to my Yahoo Briefcase to display these pics. So, this is no longer a good place to “test” your fix. You’ll have to build your own test case.

Robert & John

After some delicious tapas, and Amelia’s drinking a good portion of the bottle of wine she ordered, and oh yeah, the extra glass after the bottle was empty:

What Robert, John & Steve Saw

What Amelia Saw

Our tapas included entrees similar to these, but not exactly. These descriptions are from their online menu. The actual menu was different.


Robert and John: Bruschette • garlic, tomato, fresh mozzarella, basil, balsamic drizzle

Amelia: Mini Crab Cakes • tomatillo salsa, cilantro-lime sour cream

Steve: A salmon dish


John & Amelia: Oven Roasted Grouper • smoked Gouda potato au gratin, roasted red pepper-caper relish

Steve: A tenderloin dish

Robert: A chicken brochette dish

We got home between 9:30 and 10:00, and did a USA Today crossword puzzle, and then started on one from the Independent.

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