Packing one and packing clothes…

Steve called me this morning to tell me about an incident with Sue’s father, who’s in his 80s I believe he said.

He (Sue’s father) was driving along the Outer Banks area of N.C., up toward the Virginia area, when a car with “JUST MARRIED” markings all over it pulls up beside him on the left side.

Sue’s dad notices the groom on the passenger side, which he thought was a little odd, but thought, “There’s no reason the wife couldn’t be driving.”

Later, he looked over as he passed them, and driving, was the other groom.

Steve said that Sue said that her father said, “The world’s really changing.” She said it wasn’t a negative tone; it was a realizing tone. Progress.

I did 5 months worth of financial stuff tonight, populating Quicken with my banking, AmEx, and Mastercard transactions, so that I can fill out that overdue annual financial snapshot form for Nathan. Why can’t I keep that up monthly?

My leading expense categories year-to-date in 2005 are:

  1. $2938.99 – Auto (includes gas, service, and tires)
  2. $4005.00 – Mortgage (Is it bad that I’ve spent more money than my mortgage on entertainment?)
  3. $6215.59 – Entertainment (includes Internet, newlaptop, new Palm Pilot, a color printer, concerts, theater, opera, dancing and drinking at Flex)
  4. $1571.55 – Education (Mostly Grad School)
  5. $2426.57 – Groceries (does not include eating out)
  6. $1803.75 – Dining Out
  7. $8712.83 – Vacations

This will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me: one of my lowest expense categories is clothes, which includes shoes: $345.04. And $139 of that I just spent about two weeks ago for a jacket and two shirts for a wedding.

Kathryn left me a voice mail about her Spider Duty today. She is now armed. With a can of poison. She’s packing one. Go Kathryn! I support you 100% on your mission. I’ll even pay for the next can.

I need to pack for my trip tomorrow. My journal entries may be sporadic over the next five days.

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