What’s a hire own?

At 8AM I tried to reach Dr. Chander’s office, and reached their answering service. The attendant told me that someone would be there to talk to me about appointments at 9.

I called back at 9, and discussed my appointment today, of which I’d been totally unaware of until late last night. It seems I was told I had this appointment right after I came out of anesthesia. I don’t recall a thing about it.

At any rate, since my colonoscopy was totally clear, and I’d already been told that, there was no need to come in for this appointment today. She canceled it.

I had a 20-minute phone meeting with my manager today, in which I brought up two things: updating my IDP to include ISO auditing experiences, and my current feelings about a promotion.

Mary brought cupcakes for my birthday to book club today. Suzanne ended up not making it due to a back injury, Janet is still out from her back surgery. So me, Mary, and Sharon enjoyed them.

I’d told her I wanted banana cake, so she’d made them with a vanilla cake mix to which she’d added a banana. She’d used rainbow sprinkles to give it a “gay” element, but then couldn’t resist also putting some Halloween-themed toppings as well. They were delicious.

Sharon and I had a chance to catch up a little after Mary left. I asked her about the 5K Race/Walk, and about Nicholas’ “under the blankets shenanigans.”

After lunch, I stopped by Badge Making to get my new badge, regretfully giving up my old one, which was a proximity badge.

If the employee waves a proximity badge close to a reader, it will be recognized by the reader. No need to swipe the badge or have a bar code reader.

I already didn’t care for the woman who works in there, a sort of Brunhilda type, and today’s visit didn’t do anything to change that.

Of course, I was appalled to read this sign prominently displayed on the wall:

All new hire’s and lost badges require picture ID’s.

What exactly does hire own?

I went to the advising session from 5:30 – 6:00 tonight. The only thing worthwhile at the session was talking to E-Ching, Will, Courtney, and Michelle afterwards to find out about some professors, and the courses they are considering.

I had an hour to kill before meeting Joe, so stopped in the computer lab in Thompkins to devise this journal entry up to here.

I met Joe at Sammy’s, where we totally overate, drank, and played trivia (horribly).

Speaking of horrible, we stopped by Flex after that obnoxious emcee tonight sang, make that screamed, the first song, he said, “to get all the kinks out for you.” I think he meant the sound system, not my ears.

Next came a parade of the same old fucking people, most of whom can’t sing, singing several songs before the “new people” were brought up to the stage.

I didn’t drink anything there, as my stomach was upset. Joe and I played three games of pool. I left just before 11:00.

Today was National Coming Out Day, but I didn’t come out to anyone. Is there really anyone left to tell, or more accurately anyone who can’t tell?

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