2005 Diversity Training…

20 of the 23 people who had signed up for my diversity pitch ended up attending. I’ve included some details about the contents of the presentation in a response to a comment by E-Ching to an earlier posting.

I felt good about it when it was over, and in addition to the 5 people signing up for the movie afterwards as a sign of success, I received comments from two people:

  • “I want to know when your presentation for next year is scheduled; I’d much rather attend yours than any others.”
  • “That was a great presentation today, John. I always find your meetings interesting, and learn something from them.”


I stopped at Sam’s Club on the way home, and bought English Muffins and bar soap.

I got my 30-minutes of exercise in by walking to the Post Office on Avent Ferry Road, stopping in the Food Lion for Saltines and cheese, and walking back.

I met Joe at his house at about 9:30, and went with him to Chili’s. The intent was for him to have dinner, and for me to “snack.” I had the:

Our appetizing cheese dip with seasoned beef. Served with warm tostada chips. $4.29

I asked if there were any beans in this dip, and was told no, but when it arrived the cheese was brown, not yellow as I would have expected.

I’d be willing to bet that the “seasoning” part of that beef had something to do with beans, though the manager assured me it didn’t.

They were nice about it all, though, and replaced it with their spinach-artichoke-cheese dip, which was delicious.

Joe had the:

We start with tender, juicy chicken breast, marinate it with our classic Margarita flavoring and grill it to perfection. Served with rice, black beans, tortilla strips & pico de gallo. $8.29

I got to Flex at just after 11:00, and it wasn’t very crowded. It never got as crowded as it usually does either. Don’t know what was up with that.

We almost had a quorum of dancers there tonight counting me, Ross, Gordon, and Tony.

I usually don’t stay for the show, but stayed while it began, and do have to say that it was pretty funny — funny enough to keep me there a little while, at least.

That black drag queen, who is totally irreverent, emceed, and she really did make me laugh.

She didn’t start with the usual emcee antic of screaming:

  1. “Do we have any straight men in here tonight?” (small spattering of applause or a hoot or holler)
  2. “How about my Lesbians? Where are my Lesbians tonight?” (low pitched hoot and hollering)
  3. “And straight women, any straight women in the house?” (usually high pitched squeals)

    and then, finally what it’s all been crescendoing toward,

  4. “What about my homosexual men?” (the place comes down).

Instead of this opening, Miss Thing tonight starts with, “Do I have an Asians in the house?”

And she proceeded through all kinds of races, nationalities, and ethnicities, and made some totally outrageous remark about each group as they self-identified.

This was a coarse juxtaposition to my diversity presentation this morning.

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