A street-smart teen, two good meetings, and a pizza in the air free – falling, that is…

I just love the less-than-a-minute podcasts from “The Onion Radio News.” For those who aren’t familiar with “The Onion” it’s all news — all satire — all the time.

This one, Street-Smart Teen Dies in Library, is just hysterical to me; this is my kind of humor:

(Click on picture to play.)
(For me, the audio plays immediately without clicking
on anything else after the page loads.)

“It’s The Onion Radio News — A street-smart teen is found dead in a library — this is Doyle Redland reporting.

17-year-old Larry Witherspoon was found dead at the Michigan Avenue branch of the Chicago Public Library today. His urban know-how evidently having failed him in such an unfamiliar environment.

Librarian Mary Ross had this to say, ‘In theory, he could have located a book on Library Survival Skills had he known what the Dewey Decimal System was and how to use it.’

Witherspoon’s Tommy Hilfiger-clad body was discovered shortly before noon by a local community college student who had come in to look up a few things about computer repair.

— Doyle Redland, for the Onion Radio News”

My Process Improvement and Effectiveness Meeting went well, and ran one minute over. Who’s counting?

Cassandra attended my 12:30 meeting with the managers about the 2006 external audit schedule, which helped a potentially explosive meeting go very smoothly.

From 5:30 – 6:00, before leaving to go home, I walked around the 500 Complex of buildings for 30 minutes.

Joe and I met Kevin (av8rdude) and Eric (innoman) at Mellow Mushroom for dinner.

I haven’t seen Eric in forever, and not at all since he (severely) broke his leg skiing. Once he was reminded that Joe was an orthopaedic nurse, he told him a plethora of stories, and asked him a gazillion questions.

The four of us shared a large “Gourmet White” pizza, which was just delicious. We each had a small salad beforehand, and Eric ordered some Garlic Bread with Cheese as an appetizer, which we all munched on.

Our “pizza stand” was defective — which manifested itself in a pronounced downward slope.

When we had our pizza half-eaten, and unfortunately all from one side, the pan started sliding down the stand toward Kevin.

When I grabbed the pan, too much of it was hanging off the edge already, and it flipped up sending two pieces of pizza into the air toward Kevin, where they proceeded to land upside down on the table.

It was only two slices though, so nowhere near as bad as this situation:

Joe, Kevin, and I spent an hour-or-so at Helios, where we sat next to Brad (a former professor of mine), and had lots of laughs as well as learned something about APA style citations, and scholarly research material available through NCSU’s very fine library web site.

The three of us eventually made our way over to Flex for scareyoke as well.

Joe and I played one game of pool, and I jammed my hand right into the plastic window that covers the balls when I went to get them out to rack them.

On the night when there’s free pool, that plastic window is not there. Obviously tonight was not one of those nights.

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