Laugh till it hurts… while others just hurt…

The day started off a little stressfully with my alarm not going off. I checked “the usual suspects” when this kind of thing happens: alarm set for AM, clock time set for AM (check), alarm on buzzer not radio with the volume turned down (check). Hmmm.

I was supposed to pick Courtney up at 8:00, but fortunately, when I called her, she was in the same place! I ended up picking her up at 8:30 instead of 8:00. We had a car full of laughs on the way in.

Worked some on the conversion and EPIC today. Courtney borrowed my car for a lunchtime appointment, and I ate my egg salad sandwich in my office,and it was delicious!

Courtney and I left just after 5:00, and we laughed so hard on the way home that we were in physical pain. We are just so much on the same wavelength when it comes to things we find interesting and funny. And dieting together, we can relate to a lot of the same things. Oh my God, we laughed.

Robert arrived about a minute after I did. I did just a little prep work, as most of the things were leftover from yesterday. I had to chop some additional scallions and tomatoes, and heat up the ground turkey. Robert seemed to genuinely love them, and was very appreciative. It was a short visit with him, but I so appreciate his sharing dinner, and of himself, with me.

I left for dancing at about 8:30. I had a great time dancing (this is news?). Adam and I are really doing a lot better dancing together, which is a relief. I danced a few dances with Joe. I really love dancing with him. He’s got the lead signals down, and I’ve got recognizing them down. 🙂

There were two “new” guys there, and I introduced myself to them: James and Earl. James is from Wilmington and Earl is from Pembroke, NC. I made James get out there and two-step. He had danced in the past, and it came back to him after half a dance.

When I left there was a guy out on the sidewalk just outside the door. He looked to be about 28. I said, “Hello,” as I walked by.

“Hi,” he said. “Where are you going?”



“Yes,” I replied.

“Where do you live?”

“Down by State. And where are you going?”

“Down by State to your place, I hope.”

Laugh. “Uh, I don’t think so. But if you need a ride somewhere, I can give you one.”

At that point his friend came out of the bar.

“No, that’s okay. Thanks. I saw you dancing in there earlier, very nice. Wear that same shirt next week so I can find you again.”

“Good night,” I said, and walked to my car.

Disturbingly, on an adult webcam site last night, there was one guy with his cam on him who had a huge rifle in his hand. People were commenting on how distraught he looked. And he did. Then someone commented, “He’s put a bullet in it!” Then a little later, someone else, “Do not watch him. You will regret it if he does do it.” It was all quite disturbing.

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