ELGOOG, bitter work, multiplayer dominoes, groceries, and homework…

Just in case you ever have to search google using a mirror. Instead of searching for love, you’d better search for evol. (Be sure to read your results in the mirror, too!)

I slept in this morning, and from 1:00 until about 2:30 finished up that EFQ for ITIM document. That’s right. I worked on one of my three days off.

I met Kevin (av8rdude) at Helios at 3:00. He was sitting outside, and rightfully so — what a beautiful day — having been there for 30-45 minutes already.

I worked on my blog for a while, and then tried to find some crossword puzzles online that Robert and I might be able to do remotely from our respective computers, but together. I searched under “interactive,” “multiuser,” and “multiplayer” all to no avail. I guess there’s not much demand for such a thing. In our society, crossword puzzles are a solitary pastime, evidently.

During the search, however, I was reminded of Yahoo! Games, which I used to be addicted to a long time ago, playing euchre and heart with people from all around the world.

They didn’t have multiplayer crossword puzzles, but I did see dominoes, which Robert and I played a lot for a time, and I checked it out.

Later, when Robert came on AIM, we played two games — one to 100 and the second game to 250. Fun stuff.

I stopped at the Hairy Peter at Cameron Village, where I picked up among other things, dinner material.

Tonight, I read some of this week’s readings for Monday night’s ENG 525 (Variety in Language) class. Dry reading.

I did this in the bed, and by 10:30, 10:45, I caught myself suddenly, intermittently, reading the backs of my eyelids instead of my assignment.

Lights out.

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