A house-warming party, and the drinking goes on…

I ran to Bed Bath & Beyond in the Pleasant Valley Promenade, where, from E-Ching and David’s wedding registry, I bought one of the not yet marked “fulfilled” items for a house-warming gift.

Editorial note: Let’s talk about the serial comma. We could have “Bed, Bath, & Beyond” or we could have “Bed, Bath & Beyond.” Why aren’t there any commas in their name? They probably sell bubble bath, but I don’t see a “bed bath” in their inventory.

After that, I stopped into the Factory Card & Party Outlet, where I bought 5 or 6 greeting cards, and a box of Thank You notes.

I got to E-Ching’s and David’s house-warming party at about ten after three, and was the second one there, after Amelia.

I hadn’t really planned on drinking at the party, and to that end hadn’t brought my bottle of bourbon with me. To my delight, however, the kitchen countertop of their new home had a very inviting affordance — a bottle of Maker’s Mark. Let the games begin.

I really loved their house, and it’s in such a great location. I met a bunch of nice people, and was impressed with the diversity of their guests and with their awesome selection of nibblies.

It was great to see Courtney again — it had been too long. Love, love, love her.

The late afternoon turned into early evening as the considerate guests all left in a timely manner, and eventually myself, Amelia, and Will (with a little help from his friends) departed.

I met Joe, Bill (Military Mary, sans medals tonight), Ben and Dale, and their friends Bob and Keith (I believe Keith was Bob’s partner’s name) at Flex.

Rick was there, who hasn’t been dancing in a while, and we had an interesting discussion about a mutual friend’s health issues.

Dale and I played three games of pool against Joe and Ben, and I believe we lost all three. We may have won one, but I don’t think we did.

Early evening turned into Karaoke, which was hosted by Alexis Perry, at 10:00, and after a while Kevin (av8rdude) and Kurt (his new beau) arrived.

Joe and I left there at about midnight. Too long a day of drinking.

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