A year of one-liners, and Robert’s birthday…

The first line of the first blog entry of each month in 2006:

We had sausage biscuits and coffee for breakfast.
I mailed a letter today at the post office, and accidentally put the stamps on while I had the envelope upside down. I got back in line to take care of it.
My mother turned 74 today, which made me think, “Oh man, it’s my dad’s 75th at the end of April.” Which makes me think, “Shouldn’t we do something?” Must check in with sis and mom on that.
Steve came over at about 11:30, and after some bagels for breakfast, we worked on his final portfolio for school, and then his cover letter for a job for which he is applying.
This video is labeled, “Crazy Dog.” I think “crazy” is generous. I’d argue for “psychotic.”
I attended Robert Porter’s celebration commemorating his induction into IBM’s Quarter Century Club.
Our alarm went off at 9:00, and we made it down to the lobby for the complimentary breakfast by about 9:20. It was quite crowded in the place, and the flow to get your food there just sucks.
I went into the office today, and early enough to beat the traffic. Yay.
I got to Helios at around noon today, and while there, accomplished the following things:

  1. Nabbed a discarded copy of today’s N&O crossword puzzle.
  2. Wrote up my responses to the seven questions associated with the movie “Denise Calls Up.”
  3. Filled out the worksheet required to enter our STC Newsletter into competition.
  4. Wrote the front page article for the October newsletter.
  5. Wrote the “In support of defenses” article about ENG675 project defenses for the October newsletter.
I met Joe at Panera Bread, where I was a sitting geek alert with two laptops.
I parked at the Avent Ferry Food Lion parking lot, and caught the bus to school.
Today is World AIDS Day, and I remember all of the folks whose names were in my pocket when I rode my bike 330 miles over 4 days in June of 2003.

I rode out to Crossroads to get a couple more things for Robert’s birthday — a candy thermometer, and a few more candy molds.

I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few goodies for tonight’s festivities at Flex for Robert’s birthday — some peanuts and a chocolate-chip birthday cookie, which took the woman — two seconds — to write “Happy Birthday, Robert” on, and with exquisite handwriting at that.

Robert arrived shortly after 5:00, and we were at Irregardless right at 5:30. We had a nice dinner — each having a salad, with Robert having Oysters on a Half Shell, too, and then he had some delicious snapper (Snapper? You snapper, you brought her! — Snapper? I hardly know her.), and I had the most delicious beef quesidillas I’ve ever had anywhere — including all Mexican restaurants.

We got a free bottle of Merlot with his birthday coupon that they send in the mail if you’re on their mailing list.

We arrived at dancing at a little after 8:30, and the posters Van made were hung around the place, and looked great. It was a festive night, and I was glad to have been able to do a little something to make Robert’s birthday special.

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