An (un)deal, holiday song grammar, palindromes, some S-L work, and dancing…

My sister told me that she saw a sign in a store the other day that said: 

Candy Canes

33-Cents Each
3 For A Dollar

She said she was hard pressed not to go to the counter with three of them, and say, “I want to be charged separately for these.”

I told my friend Myra about this, and she said, “That reminds me of my brother. He likes to go through fast food drive-thrus that have signs like, ‘Sausage Biscuits — 2 for $1.00,’ and say to the order-taker, ‘I know I can get two biscuits for a dollar, but how many biscuits can I get for $1.50?’ He got one order-taker so flustered that he said, ‘Hold on, I’m going to have to get my supervisor for this one.'”

I have come across the Grammar Girl podcasts, thanks to the Top 100 Podcasts list on iTunes, and of course, I have subscribed. Already so many of them have addressed so many things I wonder about constantly as a technical editor.

A recent episode of hers addressed a listener who called in to say that she is driven crazy each year when she hears the Christmas carol, “Joy to the World,” in which the line, “The Lord is Come,” appears.

So, I just had to post with my holiday song pet peeve:

I have a yuletide-related pet peeve as well, and it involves conjunctions.

In the song, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, the line, “You know Dasher and Dancer and…” continues, “…but do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all? Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer…”

I SO think that “but” is an inappropriate conjunction here. It should be “and,” in my opinion.

This is like saying, “You know the Times-Picayune and the Washington Post,but do you recall, the most famous newspaper of all… the New York Times?”

Why would you say BUT do you recall, which suggests that maybe you don’t, the MOST FAMOUS of ANYTHING at all?

People think I’m nuts to let this bother me, BUT it does! Thoughts?

On an different grammar-related topic, one of her listeners posted this link to a Weird Al Yankovic video in which he does nothing but flip through a series of palindromes. Palindromically, the video is called, “BOB.”

I worked from 1:30 until 5:00 today at Service-Learning. Myra, Mark, and Patti were also in the office.

I worked on merging mine and Myra’s minutes/transcripts of our 12/18/06 meeting at the Communities In Schools of Wake County (CISWC) Community Learning Center (CLC) at Kentwood.

While there, Mark told me about a service from Sprint that he tested over the holidays, which does exactly something we (Robert, Joe, and I) were talking about on our road trip down to Atlanta this past weekend. It allows you to get wireless Internet service on your laptop anywhere that your cell phone can pick up a signal, even though it doesn’t use your phone at all. How cool!

He said that Verizon is also offering this, but with a quick look, I was unable to find it. I definitely see this in my future.

Dancing was okay tonight. A good number of dancers. Very few bar patrons.

Alan danced tonight, and it was good to see him. I danced a couple of two-steps with him. Joey wasn’t feeling well, and so he stayed home tonight.

Missy showed up, probably around 9:45. He immediately latched on to Allan — poor thing.

When he pried himself away from him, I said to him, “When he asks you what you got for Christmas, say, ‘I got a new ear. That way when you talk mine off, I’ll still have two left.'” Catty! img <– [Click on this.]

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