Pooey payout, odds & ends, and up-coming trips…

I drove into the office today. I had a one-on-one meeting this afternoon with my manager, during which we discussed, among other things, our bonus pay, which will be included in our March 15th check. Let’s just say it’s certainly not going to pay for my big trip in October, nor will it make any kind of respectable contribution to my IRA for this year.

I felt strongly enough about Andrew Sullivan’s commentary on Ann Coulter’s “Faggot” remark to create a separate entry for it today.

I was in touch with Patti today about meeting her at the office tomorrow afternoon, and in touch with John Williams about possibly being next year’s STC Newsletter Editor.

Because he was feeling under the weather, Nathan canceled our meeting today, during which he was supposed to advise me on some changes to the funds I’m invested in in my IBM Tax Deferred Savings Plan (also known as our 401K plan). We’ve rescheduled for Friday.

I ordered my next 90-day supply of Nexium, and while doing so on the medcohealth.com site, I clicked on a program they now have to suggest a generic replacement for prescriptions.

Further information, by clicking the “About this drug” link, revealed that:

Omeprazole is also available in an over-the-counter form called “Prilosec OTC.”

This is a generic alternative in the same category of drugs as your prescribed medication and typically provides a similar effect. A generic alternative is a medication that may be given in place of a brand-name medication to achieve the same or similar results. Generic alternatives may contain different active ingredients, but they usually provide a similar effect when treating a specific condition. To achieve a similar benefit, the alternative drug may require a different dosage. This option provides an approximate equivalent dose for your medication. Side effects of all medications vary among all individuals. This substitution typically has a similar level of side effects to your prescribed medication.

I priced buying Prilosec OTC as a replacement for Nexium about six months ago, and it came out to just about the same price as getting the Nexium through my insurance company. Buying it this way, however, will be cheaper. I’ll ask Amy about it on my next refill.

I’ve got a couple of trips coming up that I’m looking forward to:

Date Event Location Comments

April 13–15

Queen City Stomp Charlotte, NC Line-Dancing & Two-Stepping Hoe-Down

May 13–16

Society for Technical Communication National Conference Minneapolis, MN Their 54th annual conference. Hopefully, I will be receiving a $500 scholarship toward this trip.

July 18–21

2007 University-Community Partnership Conference Blacksburg, VA This will be with the folks from my Service-Learning job, which should make it both an educational and fun trip. I hope to bring my bicycle and do some riding on this trip.

September 7–9

Atlantic Stampede Washington, DC The annual gay rodeo in DC.  I’ve calendared this, but not made reservations. It may have to fall off the agenda this year, depending on how much my October trip ends up costing. Plus, I’m not big on going to this this year if a posse of line-dancers from Flex don’t go.

Around and About October 13

My 50th Birthday Tahiti, Bora Bora, and Moorea I hope to spend 7-12 days in the South Pacific entering the second half-century of my time here. I have only just begun to plan this trip, and need to get a move-on with it.

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