Paper or plastic bugs, web site design work, napping, dancing, and puzzle solving…

My bug man woke me up at about 7 minutes after 8AM. Seems like whenever I want them on the front-end of the time range they estimate to arrive, they come on the back-end; and like today, when I would have preferred them on the back-end of the 8-11 estimate, they show up on the front-end.

This was my quarterly service, and I have been waiting for it before pulling out all of the plastic grocery bags beside my refrigerator, because my sister told me, probably last year, that those bags are a “breeding ground for roaches.” Supposedly, the eggs get in the bags at the grocery store and then they hatch in your home.

About a month or so ago, I decided to pull out maybe a quarter of them and toss them. The next day, or maybe the day after that, I found a small, dead roach on my kitchen floor. Thinking this was way too unlikely to be a coincidence, I didn’t remove any more bags. I rarely, if ever, have bugs in my house, and on the few occasions I have, they have consisted of tiny ants or what I call “scissor bugs,” but see with a quick search on Google that they aren’t—because the image that appears is not what I see in my house.

Ah, after further investigation, it’s “pincer bugs”:

Anyhow, I told the bug guy, who was a new guy by the way, and sexy, albeit not really handsome—but I digress… I said to him, “I’ve been waiting to remove these bags until you got here, because my sister told me they’re a breeding ground for roaches.”

Looking at the tall, thin pile of bags stacked tightly between the six-inch space between my fridge and the wall, he replied, “Well, actually, it’s paper bags that that’s true of, not the plastic ones. It’s the glue on the seams of the paper bags…”

One less thing to worry about. With a yardstick, I pulled out all of the bags anyway, threw them away, and let him spray up in there.

I went to take the bus to the Service-Learning office, where I found two girls waiting in their car not sure if the buses were still running, because classes ended yesterday. The same thought had crossed my mind.

I got out of my car, went to the stop where I found the entire sign (pole and all) completely missing. Things that make you go, “Hmmm.”

I called Myra to see if we could park on campus without a sticker now that classes were out. She said she wasn’t sure, but that there were plenty of open spaces in the parking lot in front of Clark where you don’t need a sticker to park anyway. I got in my car and drove to campus.

Alissa and Elizabeth were in the office along with Myra, and Patti even made an unexpected appearance for a few minutes.

Myra and I worked on the new web site for our new Center for Excellence in Curricular Excellence (CECE), which we have a target to make available at the end of the month. Next week, we’re moving into the new building in which the Center will reside. Yay!

At home, I boiled and then peeled shrimp, and added it to the leftover spaghetti topped with sautéed-in-butter-mushrooms-and-onions that I made for dinner yesterday. I ate maybe one-third of that, and several “cold shrimp” by themselves with some very horseraddishy (an Ireneism) cocktail sauce. It was all good.

I napped from 7:00 until 8:30, during which I fell into a deep, deep sleep—brought back to consciousness by a brazenly harsh alarm clock buzzer to find that Robert had arrived in the interim and had generously left me to my slumber.

The dancers tonight included: Carl, Bill, Geromy, Robert, myself, Stephen, Rob, Ernie, Todd, Shawn, and their friend—I really should learn his name, albeit it “honey” seems to suffice.

Carl reviewed Tall Tall Trees for the lesson, a dance we haven’t done in forever.

Curt from Costello’s in Wilmington was bartending, and he is going to be the regular Wednesday night bartender now. Yay. He’s cute and understands the customer service aspect of bartending, which most of the bartenders at Flex could use a lesson on.

At home, we had some cereal and then worked on a USA Today (printed) Crossword Puzzle that I was stuck on.

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