The Thinker’s Thesaurus, Festivus, and The Devil Wears Prada…

I forgot to mention an affirmation in yesterday’s blog entry. After Joe arrived, but before we left for dinner at Taste of Thai, my doorbell rang, and it was the mail person.

Arriving, from one of my favorite people on the planet, was one book, The Thinker’s Thesaurus, and one CD, Festivus: The Holiday for the Rest of Us.

When I had a TV, I was never a regular watcher of the Seinfeld show, but I’ve seen episodes of it on and off at various peoples’ houses over the years. I’ve never seen, or even heard of, “the Festivus episode,” so this is going to be a real delight listening to.

I was able to ascertain the “synopsis” of Festivus (5 Things You Should Know About Festivus) through this short video clip:

Along with the book and CD was a card.

Outside: Dance (as though no one is watching you), Love (as though you have never been hurt before), Sing (as though no one can hear you), Live (as though heaven is on earth).

Inside: My Sweet, Are you the poster child for this concept? Along the way gifts—because I always think of you “along the way.” Irene

Robert came over late in the afternoon, and after dinner we watched The Devil Wears Prada.

Movie Synopsis: When Andrea (Anne Hathaway), a small-town girl new to Manhattan, takes a job working for Editor-in-Chief Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) of New York fashion magazine, Runway, she must decide what is most important to her: her job or her sanity.

The Devil Wears Prada Eye Candy
(Click on picture for a whole bag of candy.)

I really loved this movie in spite of having a ridiculously remote, if any at all, relationship with fashion. Of course, it’s really not about fashion, though, is it? And I absolutely adore Meryl Streep as an actress.

My hands-down favorite line from the movie—being the monstrously impatient person I am—was: “By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me.”

Another “impatient-related” line: “Where are the belts for this dre- Why is no one ready? “

Other fun quotes from the movie here. Thanks, my sweet, for sharing this movie with me.

I stayed in this evening, and though I’m only at the very beginning of my re-read of A Prayer for Owen Meany, I am already reminded of why it’s one of my favorite stories of all time. Thanks to ravendark for a mention of John Irving in a recent blog entry of hers to prompt my re-read.

The only thing different this read through, so far, is that I’ve put a query in to the public library about a possible


version of the book to substitute for the one I’m currently reading, though my thanks to Robert for loaning his copy to me.

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