Happy Thanksgiving…

Okay in the obituaries, there’s a lady who was a big contributors to the scouts, and it says, “She became the first woman in Occoneechee Council to receive the prestigious ‘Silver Beaver’ award.”

Oh no they dih-ent giver her beaver an award! Of course you can’t read that without thinking of the classic Leave it to Beaver line (or joke at least) by June Cleaver, who says, “Ward, you’re being a little hard on the Beaver tonight.”

It does make one wonder what one has to do around here to get the golden beaver award.

We were up at 7:00 this morning and off to Greenville by about 8:30.

Mom and dad had already arrived, and as expected, Vivian had done a fantastic job with the decorating, as witnessed:


and was in the throes of the frenzy that was about to become our delicious meal.

She (my sister) didn’t take kindly to my telling her, as she basted her turkey, that I’d seen on MSN this morning that basting a turkey was a waste of time—what it mostly does is deplete heat from the oven.

Also, on MSN, I had watched a video on how to carve a turkey, so I was all prepped for that. Let’s just say that this wasn’t the same turkey as on the video. And I didn’t have an electric knife.

It all worked out in the end, though. No one went hungry.

We watched an 11-minute video of my cousin’s childhood, in which we (my brother, my sister, and myself) made several appearances, so my sister and her husband Jeff could see it. This is the video that my aunt had made from old home movies she had taken of my cousin (her daughter), and that we (me and my parents) had seen while up in New England over the Labor Day weekend.

During the video, my dad kept saying as the various people (mostly his siblings and his parents and old family friends) flashed by, “He’s dead. She’s dead. He’s dead now, too. Most of the people in this video are dead now.”

Uhkay, pass the bourbon, please.

After the video, those of us in the room awarded ourselves with some dessert for still being alive. We had a choice between pumpkin pie and pecan pie. I think all of us had a “sliver of each.”

I think we all preferred the pecan pie, too. Which was good, since my sister actually made that pie. My mom store-bought the other one, and she tried the “extra spicy” one this year.  And it was. A little heavy on the nutmeg maybe? Something.

After fighting Uncle Nappy on the drive back, we settled in for a long winter’s nap.

I got to Flex for Trailer Park Prize Night at a little after 11:00, and it was absolutely butts to nuts in there.  By 12:15 it was butts (of a different kind) to nostril with the incredible amount of people in there the majority of whom were smoking.

I left shortly after the show started. Whomever said yesterday was Black Wednesday has never seen Black Thursday at the Trailer.

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