Nightmares, a ghostly workout, food preparation, and some editing…

I dreamed about editing all night long. Aaarrrggghhh!

I had a noon-ish workout today, and it being Easter Sunday, the gym was pretty empty. I listened to a podcast of this week’s This American Life, an episode called The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar, which was most interesting in two ways:

  1. This family story is actually about the ancestors of a friend of mine, and fellow LiveJournaler, Swin (swindunbar).
  2. Unexpectedly, this story made me think about my coming out at age 35 to my wife of 16 years, and then in rapid succession (within a week) to everyone else in my life, and how that event made everyone (myself included) rethink our long-held reality of who John Martin really was.

Today’s workout statistics:





After a shower, I went to Helios, where I edited throughout the afternoon.

Good news on the People to People Technical Communication Delegation to China: Since last check, the roster has doubled. We are now up to six people: myself from NC, one person from Georgia, one from California, one from Chicago, and two from Ontario. Six down, nine to go—we need 15 people to make the trip “a go.” Keeping my fingers crossed.

I dropped by Flex for a couple of hours, early in the evening, where I played four free games of pool by myself.

Wayne and Cronin were out for the first time in ages. A little later, the “movie crowd” (who had seen Horton Hears a Who this evening): Rick, Robert Fox, and their friend David, arrived, and later still, Joe & Phil. Other than that, it was pretty dead in the place.

By 8:30, only Phil, Joe, and myself were left, and I feel a little bad about sneaking out—while they were playing DoJo—without saying goodbye.

Back home, I:

  1. Peeled two oranges—ate one, and stored one away for breakfast or a morning snack tomorrow (I hate peeling oranges)
  2. Boiled, diced, and then poured some teriyaki sauce over some chicken to store in the fridge for future wraps and salads
  3. Sliced some mushrooms
  4. Diced a purple onion, which had me seeing purple rain before it was all said and done

After that, I started on an edit of Shruti’s document.

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