Time lapsed affirmations, sleeping in, exercising, dinner@The Borough, 120 Minutes with Kevin…

This takes a while to load (open it in another window and let it load in the background), but once it does, it’s very cool time-lapsed photography, which includes fireworks!

Today’s entry is going to have a few “Oh, I forgot to mention or capture” type tidbits.

I forgot to mention that at the bar last night, the age old (pun intended) adage of, “Always guess them five years younger they can possibly be when they ask you to guess their age,” really paid off. I thought this guy was 33-35, 30 at the very least, but I responded, “25.” He was 28.

I’ve been meaning to capture these few affirmations, which came in in the past week:

  • From my friend (and blog reader) Kathy, and her husband Rick, for a donation I made to a memorial fund for her son: “Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! You are such a kind friend. Your thoughtfulness brings a smile, a tear of comfort and warmth to our hearts. Our love, Kathy & Rick
  • From Michael, one of the guys we dance with, and who rode with us to Charlotte for Queen City Stomp 2008: “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Just wanted to say thank you for all you did for the Stomp weekend.  As usual, you did way too much. You are truly the hostess with the mostest!”  [Aside: I love how spellcheck wants to change the word mostest to moistest. ]
  • My friend, Andrew, whose master’s capstone project presentation I attended last Wednesday and commented about in my blog: “Thanks for the kind words John. I was honored to have an all-star alumnus in the room last night—your positive feedback truly means a lot.”

I slept in this morning, until a little after 10:00. Glorious.

I met both Kevin (av8rdude) and Joe at the gym at 1:00. It was an upper body day for me, to which I added crunches, followed by a 30-minute cardio workout.

Today’s workout statistics:

Exercise Type
Minute Duration
Calories Burned or Area Worked



Upper Body

Cardio (Elliptical)




While doing my crunches, I saw this headline at the bottom of what looked like perhaps a news program, on the Fox network if I’m not mistaken, “Brooke dreamed of being a prostitute ever since she was a little girl.” How charming.

I had a most fantastic salad for lunch when I got home from the gym.

After cleaning up from that, and putting in a load of darks, I hard-boiled four eggs, and then made up some McCormick’s Mesquite Marinade and marinated about a pound-and-a-half of boneless chicken breasts and one-and-a-quarter pound of ground turkey in it.

I then fried all of it, separately of course, and then diced up the chicken. This will allow me to just grab handfuls of each to top salads with or to put on a wrap during the next several days.

I met Joe and Kevin (av8rdude) at The Borough, which was just teeming with gay people. Among those spotted in the crowd: Doug, George, and Alan at one table; Juan, Todd and a friend of theirs at another; Shawn, Josh, and Tommie sitting at the bar; and this guy named John, who was loud, loud, loud in the tent next to us (and kept mentioning the word “fire”) during the AIDS ride in 2003.

OMG. I had the most delicious dinner there tonight—one I’ve never had before:

Valhalla. . . . . . . . . . 18.00
8 oz. filet mignon rubbed with Cajun spices and topped with a jalapeño-cream sauce, served on a grilled baguette with a side of steamed broccoli

I usually get their Uberwisconsin.

From there, we walked over to Flex, where it was 120 Minutes night. It was fun hanging out with Kevin, as he is not usually with us on Friday nights.

We proceeded to drink way too much, and it was one of those nights while driving home I had the thought—which I’m not proud of, “You have no business on the road.”

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