Twitter dreams, 5 retreats, working from Helios, crushed cans, exercising, job-applying…

I dreamed a lot about Twitter and twittering (or tweeting) last night. Before I went to bed, I was trying to get the widget working in the sidebar of my blog again, but I don’t think it can be done, which sucks, with this new style I’ve chosen. Evidently, that being “unresolved,” worked its way into my dreams.

I worked from Helios most of the day today.

I created another Hive5 for Beehive today.

5 Places I Like to Retreat to Depending On Why I’m Feeling the Need To

  • When I Need Peace & Quiet (which being the extrovert that I am, is not often) to Totally Focus: the North Carolina State University library.
  • When the Weather is Too Incredible Not to Be Outside: Lounging on my deck and either reading or wirelessly connected to the Internet with my laptop.
  • When I Need to be in a House of Worship (which is a rare, rare, rare occurrence in my life): A deserted Catholic church.
  • When I Want to Be Alone at the Beach: Provincetown, Massachusetts at the tip of Cape Cod.
  • When I Visit a Foreign Place: The local cemetery.

Just as I walked out of Helios into their parking lot, I heard this loud crackling noise that sounded like a car running into something and dragging whatever it was with it for a few feet.

I looked over, just beyond the dumpster, to see a boat load of soda cans (I would guestimate 150-200, at least) strewn all over the ground,

and this car running over them going forward, then adjusting a little, and running over them backing up. It was making an absolute racket—imagine the sound of running over bubble-wrap with your office chair—that sound, only on steroids. The guy had his head out his window to see how much he should move over for the next drive through.

Okay, I’m wondering how much gasoline we’re wasting flattening cans to save the planet. I’m just saying…

I checked in with my parents while driving to the gym. (1) I wanted to check on my mother’s Mother’s Day, as I didn’t call her yesterday, and (2) I wanted to see how they made out with regards to the tornado that passed through their county (Onslow) yesterday.

My dad answered the phone and told me that “the tornado went right up Piney Green Road.” (That’s the biggest major rode closest to their house, the one which you turn onto when exiting their subdivision.)

When my mom got on, she said, “Yeah, I was at Bingo, where we only heard one little boom of thunder, that’s all.”

I met Kevin (av8rdude) at the gym at just after 4:00, where it was an upper body and cardio day for me.

Today’s workout statistics:

Exercise Type
Calories Burned
or Area Worked



Upper Body





Back home I had shrimp cocktail for dinner along with some Onion & Celery Soup. Good stuff!

I submitted my application for a new job within IBM today. They want someone who is a higher-level employee than I am, but I submitted for it anyway. We’ll see what, if anything, happens.

Social Software Programs Communications Specialist Job Description: This role is responsible for developing and executing communications programs that educate and excite employees about IBM’s social software programs. The role entails a multitude of communication channels—e.g., Wikis, Newsletters, w3, Blogs, Podcasts (Audio & Video), as well as creating strong technical content on Social Software as it is being used in IBM. It also requires interview skills to distill information from successful adopters of IBM’s social software into case-studies and showcases.

Prior experience in writing (including all the technologies/hosting platforms listed above) and with social software are a mandatory requirement.

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