I was on MSNBC; no exercising; well, some dancing…

Good week for… Bad week for…
Getting some relief, after a Nevada brothel offered an incentive of a $50 gas voucher to all clients who pruchased $300 worth of services. The vouchers sold out in a week. A sense of privilege, after a first-class passenger on a Delta Airlines flight from New York became so angry that economy passengers were let off the plane first that he opened an emergency hatch and slid down the chute. The indignant passenger was promptly arrested.

—From The Week Magazine 07/18/08—

I got up at about 9:30 and had coffee and breakfast alone, as Kevin (av8rdude) had left earlier this morning for a soccer refereeing annual recertification that he had to attend today. I did two loads of laundry while he was gone.

I love this recent entry from onesentence.org:


I imagine the people at Harvard gave my application the same look Mary received from the Israelites when she told them her new son, Jesus, was immaculately conceived.

tags: humor religion college [add]

2008-07-30 14:41:13 / Rating: 51.5 /

Two recent favorites from Indexed blog:

Friday, August 01, 2008

Was that a flying squirrel?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Manna from heaven, to eBay.

Who knew? I made the final two-minute eight-second MSNBC story that they spent the whole weekend filming here in Raleigh at RTP Startup Weekend, July 11-13. I didn’t see it when it actually aired live. If you want to see little old me, then hover your cursor over the pause button and click on it at 1:09 into the story. I’m at the beginning of the table on the right—in the black t-shirt and the white shorts.

I didn’t make it to the gym today, but got some good cardio in dancing. I had a big ole salat for dinner.

Dancing was fun tonight. We were stopped right at 10:30, so “Bear-eoke” could get started as soon as possible afterwards.

“Chas” hosted, and that’s all I’m going to say about that. Well, that, and that it was no different from her diarrhea-of-the-mouth Tuesday nights.

At home, Robert and I worked on an Indy crossword puzzle, which was too hard, and then had some incredible sex afterwards. I’m just saying…

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