Lovin’ the bed, I’m in a thread, myfriessuck.com reprisal, upper body work, and dancing…

I slept in this morning, getting a full eight hours of glorious sleep.

I devised a separate blog entry for today called Financially Independent vs. Independently Wealthy, which was inspired by the question of a friend in a recent e-mail he sent to me congratulating me on my achievement and my leaving IBM. It is currently a featured thread on the new website, 30THREADS, which highlights blogs, bloggers, and individual blog postings in and around the Triangle area.

OMG. This tweet on Twitter today cracked me up:

Pure Romance by Pam pamloveland My youngest put a Frito on her lip so she could look like her big sis with the lip ring http://twitpic.com/a46e

Back in July, during RTP Startup Weekend, I worked with a team on a startup company we called myfriessuck.com. Others on the team, mostly the developers, have continued to do work on the site since then, but we haven’t really had a follow-up organizational meeting.

A few weeks ago, James, our leader, sent out an e-mail to everyone who was involved during startup weekend asking who was interested in continuing on with the endeavor. Tonight, those of us who responded in the affirmative met at Bear Rock Cafe at Crossroads to talk about our next steps.

After a quick update on activity-to-date, we covered the following agenda items: goals, incorporating, naming (of both the website and the corporation), functionality, and came up with action items with which to move forward. At the end, we agreed that we should schedule a once-a-month meeting at least for the next few months.

I committed to creating a survey for business owners, which will try to ascertain if they would use such a service, and if so, how they would use it, so that we can streamline the type of data we’re collecting and intend to format.

Good meeting, and done under two hours.

I squeezed in a real quick stop at the gym, where I did only my upper body routine. That is, no ab work and no cardio. I wish I’d had time to do some ab work / stretching, but I needed to get to dancing by 9:00, which would take care of the cardio at least.

Exercise Type
Minute Duration

Resistance (Lower Body)


Dancing was a lot of fun tonight. We had plenty of dancers: Carl, Bill, Michael (albeit very late in the evening until his arrival), Geromy, Rob, Eric, Joe (Judge), Rob (Joe and Jose’s friend), and Ernie.

Dancing was actually not stopped for Sordid Lives tonight, which was surprising. Someone said that it was because it was a re-run, but I find that hard to believe, since last week’s was basically a re-run. WTF?

I definitely got that cardio in tonight dancing. Yay!

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