Antepenultimate IBM day, exercising, the NCSU library and a poll, and some rodeo pics….

Today was my antepenultimate work day at IBM. I worked from home, and I completed Eric’s edit. I canceled my “One-on-One Meeting” scheduled with my manager for 4:00. What would be the point really?

I got to the gym at about 4:45, and I did an upper body workout, after which I enjoyed a slice of pepperoni pizza, since it was Free Pizza Monday at Planet Fitness. Tomorrow is Free Bagel Tuesday. Woohoo!

Today’s stats:

Exercise Type
Minute Duration

Resistance (Upper Body)


I dropped by the Cameron Village Library to pick up a book I’d requested: Oracle Bones: A Journey Through Time in China.

Before leaving I stepped next door into The Fresh Market to confirm that everything in there is over-priced, which I did noting the $5.99 price of watermelon. At Food Lion, they’re usually $4.99 and sometimes $3.99.

From there, I went to the NCSU library, and the guy in the car in front of me on Hillsborough Street and I both parked at the same time, both of us parallel parking in two spots, one in front of the other. He backed into the back one, and then I backed into the one in front of him.

When we got out of our respective cars, he—looking like a freshman or sophomore at the most—said, “Hey man. What’s a NEMATOME?”  [My license plate moniker.]

I explained it to him, and he said, “Cool. Are you a professor here?”

I’m going to take a poll here. You can only respond to polls in LJ if you have a sign-in, so if you want to respond otherwise, use the “Leave a comment” link at the bottom of this entry to voice your opinion.

(Photog)Rob sent me some pictures from the weekend. Here’s living proof that at one time in my life I wore a cowboy hat, long pants, and boots.

Yours truly, cowboy.

Robert and Me in the Room

Carl, Our Fearless Dance Instructor Doing a Squirt Cheese Shot

Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here
Front, l-r: Rob, Carl
Back, l-r: Ray, Robert, Bill, Tom, Me

A Group Shot with the Last Picture’s Photographer, James

Robert and I Dancing
(Get That Peanut Butter Off the Roof of my Mouth!)

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