Some BUStle, a missing wallet, a meeting, a picnic, some coffee, and dancing…

Morning BUStle
Once again, I caught the 7:25 Method Road CAT bus, which once again arrived two minutes early. I’m keeping a mental spreadsheet of average arrival times to miniminze my future waits.

Once again, up by Western Boulevard, that very tall woman boarded the bus, once again with a convenience store cup of coffee, and today I noticed her shoes, which had they been showing under a stall, I’d’ve guessed I was in a men’s room. She had on white, ankle-high athletic socks, so part of her leg was exposed on the one that was crossed over the other knee. All this is not to at all criticize her choice of footware, but simply to reflect on my own gender bias in this area.

Seeing this woman again today made me think about a couple of things: (1) the process of becoming familiar with “regular” riders as I, myself, become one, and (2) the human tendency to create back-stories about people one sees often, but has no known context in which to place them.

Oh, one other thing about her apparel today: the second button of her blouse was unbuttoned and with her assets underneath (let’s just leave it at that), as she shifted positions in her seat, that area of her blouse tended to open and close. I couldn’t help considering that if I were straight, instead of thinking, “Should I tell her her button is undone,” I’d be thinking, “I hope she doesn’t notice her button is undone.”

Today she got on with someone she either already knew, or had met at the stop, as they were talking when they got on the bus and continued their conversation once on. As we crossed Western Boulevard, her friend indicated with her hand that parking lot that used to be a McDonald’s, and she said, “That’s one of my goals, to work at that new McDonald’s.”

I exited at the correct stop today, and decided to grab a cup of coffee and a biscuit before going into the office instead of coming back out once up there.

In the food court off the Brickyard, which is right across the street from my building, I grabbed a Chick-Fil-A sausage biscuit and a cup of coffee, and rushed to the register.

“That’s $2.25.”

I reached into my empty back pocket, and immediately remembered leaving my wallet in the console of my car last night, after returning from the gym.

“Crap! I don’t have my wallet,” I said, hoping for some sympathy. I did get an empathic gesture as she confiscated my biscuit and coffee, and I walked away with my tail between my legs.

Back at the office, this tweet sequence commenced on Twitter:

Note: (1) I’m @nematome. (2) @pamloveland has parties at which instead of selling something like Party Lite candles, she sells adult toys.

 From @nematome:
 “That’ll be $2.25.” Reached in back pocket for wallet–not there. Coffee back. Sausage biscuit back. Damnit!
From @pamloveland:
@nematome That sucks! Not a good start to the day. Sorry!
 From @nematome:
@pamloveland Thanks! I had a banana in my briefcase and it was happy to see me! (Sounds like a potential ad for one of your toys!) LOL
From @pamloveland:
@nematome LOL! You had a healthy breakfast whether you wanted to or not! (I prefer Lean Machine for my purse, looks like a pen 😉 TMI?)

We had an (OIT Drupal) Policies and Guidelines Subteam meeting first thing this morning, and that form I created yesterday was used as the agenda for the meeting. I took the group through it, it sparked great discussion, and I got some good feedback with which to improve the form, mostly by making it more complete.

The adjective used the most to describe it was “great,” and several people thanked me during the day for initiating it.

We had an organizational picnic today, which was held from 11:30–2:00 over at Pullen Park, and included a most delicious lunch catered by Clyde Cooper’s BBQ, along with desserts provided by us.

Toward the end of the gathering, I asked Gail, our HR rep, if she knew anyone in our organization who speaks Chinese. As I was talking to her, a Chinese lady walked up to us, and Gail introduced me to Jean Xu.

“Ah, you’re John Martin! I saw an announcement that a new writer had joined our group, and I made a note that I wanted to meet you!”

“Great,” I replied, “as I was looking for someone who speaks Chinese, because I’m going to China in three weeks!”

“And I’d like someone to help me with my English writing!”

Yay for win/win. We’re going to try and have lunch next week.

Mid-afternoon, when all the food started weighing down on me, I walked over to the Reverie coffee shop, and introduced myself to Salat. Jen had tweeted yesterday that that is what his name is.

“Hi Salat, I’m John,” I said, extending my hand. “Your reputation as a nice guy preceeds you, and I’ve noticed you have a penchant for remembering the names of your customers.”

“Thanks,” he said and proceeded to get my coffee.

“Thanks Salat,” I said, but also meant “Thanks a lot,” and I said, “I like your name. Saves me time saying two things at once.”

“Saves saliva, too,” he retorted and we both laughed.

Dancing was okay tonight. We actually had a lesson tonight—a review of The Bombshell Stomp. Nope, still don’t like that dance.

Two guys, Rick and Romero, watched us dance all night, and at one point Rick said to me, “You’re a good dancer.” Sweet. Always good to hear.

Michael and Carl talked me into joining them at the IHOP after dancing, and I ordered the Build Your Own Omelet, choosing sausage and cheddar. It was pretty big and came with a side order of three pancakes.

I ate the pancakes and took the whole omelet to go. It’ll make a good breakfast tomorrow morning.

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