Knee issues, created my first Wiki, a Secret Chord invitation, and early to bed…

My knee was in incredible pain all day today. It was the kind of pain where I kept thinking, “You really should get this thing x-rayed. What if walking on it is the worse thing you could be doing? But, I know all they’re going to do is tell me to RICE it.”

At work I googled knee injury, ligament injury, and ACL injury to see if any of them would give me any insight into what I might have done. Doing that made me think of Paula from our People to People trip, who as a technical communicator, helps get accurate, reliable medical information on the Web.

My manager was an absolute dear. After asking me two times if I’d put ice on my injury yet, she went to our work fridge, filled a small bag of ice from the freezer, and brought it, along with two other bags tied together to wrap around the ice bag like a turniquit to hold it onto my knee. I’m counting that as the affirmation it is.

I had a good day at work today, learning a new skill, which is always good. I created a Wiki for our department—to use as a project tracking tool and to provide group access to shared documents we use.

I contacted Randy Light (a.k.a. Mary K Mart) today to invite her to the Manbites Dog fundraiser Saturday night, and now I’m kicking myself for waiting so long to do it. She has to work Saturday night, so can’t make it. Bummer.

She did say she’d attend Act A Lady with me in December, though, so I’m going to give her plenty of notice about it. I was absolutely floored to hear that she has never evern heard of Manbites Dog Theater. We’re definitely going to change that.

If anyone in the area is reading this and looking for something to do Saturday night, I promise you, you will have a night of quality entertainment at the Secret Chord, which is a one-night production, during which we’re going to “preview” four of our upcoming shows (by actually acting out one scene from each one), have a choral performance by the Midnight Choir, and then a reception of free food and drinks. Please consider coming out to support this great theater company, which is celebrating 22 years in the Triangle area this year! Get your tickets online or at the door!

I got to be early this evening, trying to rest my knee as much as possible.

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