The day after knee surgery…

I was up early this morning, at around 6:15 to make sure I was up and about before Joe left for work at around 6:45.

My leg felt just fine, but after eating a Portuguese muffin (like an English muffin, only bigger) with some turkey sausage on it, I started to get a little bout of nausea. It lasted just a few minutes, but when Joe ran upstairs, it came back again and this time I thought I was going to vomit, so I went to my downstairs bathroom, but fortunately it didn’t happen.

Joe came downstairs again and was getting the last of his stuff together. Right after he left, I went into the bathroom and threw up. It wasn’t too bad, though, but the nausea continued on and off all morning.

Jeremy, the P.A. who assisted with my surgery, checked in with me at about 8:30 and asked me how the knee was doing. I told him that I really felt no pain at all and that I was able to hobble on it. I didn’t mention the nausea.

At about 11:00, the Blue Ridge Surgery folks called to check in with me. “On a scale of one to ten, one being most painful, how would you rate the pain in your knee?”

“Zero,” I said.

“Great,” she said, “Any nausea or vomiting?”

“Well, now that you mention it yes. Both.”

“Do you have any anti-nausea medicine you can take?” she asked.

“I have Pepto-Bismol.”

“Okay, you can try that, but if it persists, you can call Dr. Isbell’s office and have him prescribe you some anti-nausea medicine.”

At about 2:00, I was still having bouts of nausea on and off, and I decided to call Dr. Isbell’s office to have him prescribe me some in case it continued over the weekend. I figured it ‘d be much harder to get some then.

Their office called in a prescription for me, and at about 4:30, I drove over to K-Mart to pick it up. I hadn’t had any Vicodin since this morning, or anything else to make me drowsy, so I drove over there to pick it up myself. I brought my crutches, but didn’t use them at all. I just walked slowly in and out of there.

I’d talked about this with Joe and he checked in with me by cell just as I was walking into K-Mart, and I told him that it was all good.

Once home, I took both the anti-nausea, Promethazine, and two Vicodin.

I was in and out of sleep all night, having just a couple of pieces of toast for dinner. My knee never really hurt though; I was able to walk around the house and up and down my stairs.

Drugs are good.

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