A bitchy left sock, an empty bus, cheap java, lots of work, and some serious relaxing…

It was an absolute bitch getting my left sock on this morning.

I was the only one on the bus this morning when I got on at my stop. I don’t think that’s ever happened before. In fact, I don’t think there’s ever been less then four people already on the bus when I’ve gotten on.

Coffee was still 15 cents (16, with tax) this morning, and I enjoyed my cup along with several of the goodies that were laid out on a table just outside our offices. It’s “Holiday Food Week” at work.

Each day several people in our building (four floors) are bringing in food. I thought it was going to be only a lunch thing, but the food is out there all day, starting in the morning. They’re going to have to roll me out of here at the end of the week.

I had an über-productive work day today, and worked late to make up for my less-than-productive day on Friday while working from home.

I met with Alan Galloway and his team about moving their content into Drupal, and I did substantial work devising new content for the OIT > About OIT > OIT Units web page replacement and additions.

A CAT bus stopped at my stop, whose bus indicator said, “1A Avent Ferry Express.”  That sounds innocuous on the surface, but the problem is that no CAT bus numbered 1A or whose route name is Avent Ferry Express stops at this stop.

Since it was at the time the 12 Method bus, my bus, was supposed to ride, I asked the bus driver as I stepped in, “Is this the 12 Method bus?”  He said, “Yes,” and I wondered why it was marked as it was.

Just after he said yes, the person sitting in the front seat, who was already on the bus, said, “This is the Rex bus, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it’s the Rex bus,” the driver said.

Okay the Rex Hospital bus does stop at this stop, and its number is 4, so that was good news. The bad news was, it wasn’t my bus.  

I got off the bus, and within two minutes, the 12 Method bus pulled up. I got on it, still perplexed at what had just taken place with the Rex bus.

After getting home late and a late, light dinner, I really needed to go to the gym and then work on my annual holiday letter.

However, what I actually did was give myself a break, and:

  1. Brought my Bose docking station into the living room with its remote control.
  2. Docked my iPod into it.
  3. Click-wheeled to Music > Artist > Reba McEntire > All and clicked to start playlist.
  4. Turned the heating pad on high and placed it in the small of my back.
  5. Put an ice pack on my knee.
  6. Turned a light down low to the level of a candle.
  7. Chilled out.

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