A good night’s sleep, Rachel Getting Married, and some free pool and karaoke…

I got up at 10:13 today, after a full 8+ hours sleep. Yay!

Today was my mom’s birthday, and when I finally turned on my phone at around noon or so, I had a voice mail message from her thanking me for her card. I checked in with her and dad later in the day. Everything appears to be copacetic there for now, and she was off to bingo tonight to celebrate her birthday with some friends.

I went to the 4:20 showing of Rachel Getting Married at the $1.50 movie theater about a mile from my house. Though it was against just about every fiber of my being, I paid $5.50 for a “small gourmet” box of popcorn whose flavor was cheddar.

It was very, very good, but about five or so minutes after I’d finished it, I felt this coagulation on a couple of my sticky fingers. There were globs of what I could only imagine was “cheddar cheese flavoring,” as I couldn’t see it in the dark. I tried licking two of my fingers, but soon discovered there were more globs than licking was going to take care of and they were all over both of my hands.

I started thinking of what that shit must be doing in my stomach, and kept my hands away from my sweatshirt for the rest of the movie. Immediately after the movie, I went to the men’s room to take care of the mess, which indeed it was. But I seriously digress…

Back to the subject at hand. I had mixed feelings about the movie. I found the hand-held camera filming technique annoying as hell throughout this film, but I suppose it did what it’s supposed to do, because I kept feeling on edge the entire time with what the main character (Kym, played by Anne Hathaway) was going to do next.

Movie synopsis: Rachel Getting Married is a contemporary “drama with an aggressive sense of humor” about the return of an estranged daughter to the family home for her sister’s wedding. Kym’s reemergence throws a wrench into the family dynamics, forcing long-simmering tensions to surface in ways both hilarious and heartbreaking.

I really had planned to stay in tonight, but alas I ended up meeting Joe at Flex. We spent some time chatting with Rick, while Joe and I played several games of pool.

Later, once karaoke started, we hung around with Jose and his friend Tony, who was here doing a story on a 97-year-old Arab woman for a program that’s going to air on the Internet. Both Tony and Joe sang, Tony a couple of times, one song being Strangers in the Night. Joe sang Sweet Caroline. I just hollered from the peanut gallery, “Bump, bump, bahm” and “So good! So good! So good!” at the appropriate times.

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