A lazy morning, a productive afternoon and evening, some karaoke and drag…

I got up at 10:00 to a cup of coffee waiting for me by my computer. Thanks, sweet man.

Robert left around noon, and I actually went back to the bed and talked to nappy for two more hours. I made a conscious decision to enjoy the laziness of the day, knowing I had stuff to do later in the day.

At about 3:00, I headed for work stopping by the Food Lion for some snack packs for my lunches (instead of paying $.90 a bag for them in our vending machines), and I stopped at Quiznos at Mission Valley to pick up lunch to eat at my desk. I’d also brought in a 12-pack of soft drinks to save $.75 per can whenever I decide to get one out of the vending machine.

All stocked up and having had lunch, I got started on my dreaded task for the day—doing the University IT Committee meeting minutes from our May 13th meeting. I worked for three hours on it, and after I closed out of the file, it was not in the directory in which I had been saving it.

My heart sank. I got sick to my stomach. It would have been bad enough to have wasted three hours worth of work on a Sunday, but worse than that, it was three hours worth of such incredible tediousness that I don’t know what I would have done had I not found it in my C:\TEMP directory after some frantic hard drive searching. Whew!

A colleague of mine, Jen, actually was here at work today, too, and before she left, she stopped by my office asking me to edit the final version of the Computing@NC State newspaper, which is going to the printer this coming week. I spent another hour-and-a-half or so on that.

I stopped by Flex for a couple of drinks and to enjoy some karaoke. Steve and Rob were there, and I hung out with them.

Chaz was emceeing, and I’m quite sure I heard her say she’s moving. Yay! As usual, she talked way too much between singers. However, she did not fail to deliver, much to Rob and Steve’s astonishment, when she belted out her rendition of Purple Rain. The girl can sing.

After a while, Al showed up, and I ended up going over to Legends with him for a while, where I enjoyed Coti Collins doing a couple of Reba songs.

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