Geographical religion, some cheap Ts, dinner@Joe’s, Mostly Social Book Club, and karaoke…

~Sunday~ We were up just before nine after a good eight hours of sleep.

For breakfast, I microwaved some pre-cooked turkey sausage patties, sliced up a hard-boiled egg, and put them on a nice soft small square roll. Good stuff.

Robert was a dear and folded laundry while I worked on creating a simple chart in Excel 2007, which would have taken me five minutes in Excel 2003. It took 15 in Excel 2007. Oh well. I got it done and learned something. Let’s hope I don’t forget it before I have to make another chart.

I ran to Old Navy today, where I bought two t-shirts at their “All Menswear 50% Off Sale.” One of my t-shirts cost $2.50 and the other one $4.85. No lie.

I ran by K-Mart trying to find, without luck as it turned out, some of those rubber finger/thumb thingies you use to count money:

I brought macaroni salad and potato chips over to Joe’s and he cooked burgers on his grill, which we enjoyed while catching up.

The Mostly Social Book Club met tonight out at Caribou Coffee in Brier Creek. We finally discussed Dewey, which I would say out of a five star system, five being best, garnered a 4.6 rating—two 4s and three 5s. The three absolute cat lovers gave it 5s, and the other two 4s.

I met Joe at Flex for some Karaoke. We hung out with Al for most of the night. There were some characters there, including the man that usually only shows up twice a year to sing on either the birthday of, or the anniversary of the death of, his partner. Tonight it was actually neither.

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